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Summary of Inter-school Exchange Activities of Law School of Shanxi University to

University of Stirling


Volume 2: Experiences of Inter-school Exchange Activities


Joint Compilation by School of International Education and Exchanges & Law School of Shanxi University


January 2020










Opening the Eyes to Observe the World

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Bai Wenqi, Undergraduate, Grade 2016,

Student Number: 201600801124

Half a month after leaving Stirling, I still miss the atmosphere and living conditions of the city. One month's exchange activities brought me too much in terms of environment, life and learning.

When I first arrived at Stirling, there were many inconveniences, such as eating problems and language problems. Although we will feel very tired, we have developed our ability to handle affairs independently and solve problems independently in this process. Not only that, but also let me have a more peaceful attitude towards life. My study and life in Stirling is very pleasant. Although it is not in a prosperous metropolis, it is convenient and quiet. Here, the students of the school come from different countries all over the world. Everyone treats each other friendly and studies together. In many details, I can deeply feel that because of the cultural impact brought by different countries, everyone will have different views on the same thing, which makes learning and life more interesting.

The classroom here is different from the domestic large-scale classroom teaching, but mostly in the way of group learning, which requires everyone to work together to complete the task, and at the same time, the communication with the teacher will be more direct and efficient. I remember that the deepest lesson is the cotton candy challenge. We need to use only pasta, rope and tape to make the cotton candy as high as possible. This requires tacit cooperation and concerted efforts between our team members, which makes us fully understand the importance of team spirit. At the same time, I realize that in foreign countries, people attach great importance to the team, and the teachers will instill the team power into us in every lesson The teachers of University of Stirling are humorous, like to express their ideas with body language, answer our puzzles about local cultural life after each class, and introduce us interesting restaurants and beautiful sceneries. They are so friendly that we are reluctant to give up when we receive the graduation certificate.

In terms of life, we met some difficulties at first when we left the domestic language environment, but the local staff, teachers and residents all helped us a lot. Our language has been improved gradually in the past month. From the beginning when we were embarrassed to speak to each other, we would take the initiative to greet the building managers and teachers. Without the school canteen and the domestic convenient take out platform, most of our meals are provided by ourselves. We will take a taxi to the supermarket not far from the school to purchase. At noon and in the evening, we will cook together and share the delicious results with each other, which is quite an interesting and warm experience. In particular, I spent Christmas abroad for the first time, and I have to say that the festival atmosphere is really strong. We held a Christmas party in school, and the teacher also gave us cakes made by her, which let us feel the taste of home. At the same time, we also take advantage of our spare time to visit Edinburgh, Glasgow and other cities, and really feel the charm of a prosperous city. The teacher also arranged many interesting activities for us, such as visiting the local energy station, listening to environmental protection lectures, etc.

Studying abroad is a very valuable experience in our life, which will have a great impact on our outlook on life and the world. Through this exchange activity, we can learn foreign legal systems, appreciate foreign educational concepts, experience foreign rich cultures and customs, and expand our vision. Most of our Chinese students' independent living ability is not as good as that of foreign students. Overseas communication can exercise our ability to think and solve problems independently. And in the process of independent life, you can exercise your ability to arrange time, finance and interpersonal communication. Thanks for this exchange activity, I can walk out of the country to see the world and experience foreign culture.





从来没有像这次一样觉得一个月是如此短暂,在到达爱丁堡机场将要回国时我甚至还清晰地记得一个月前我们刚到这里时的样子。外面正下着大雨,来接我们的校方老师Grace和斯特灵的员工代表Tom 热情地欢迎我们,还贴心地为我们准备了学校的纪念款礼物以及当地的特色小吃。在大巴上品尝着美食,耳边是大家的欢声笑语,打在车窗上向下滑落的雨点,让我这个异乡人反而没有身处异乡的手足无措之感。到达学校后,宽敞的单人宿舍,软和的大床,以及方便的卫浴都帮助我适应了时差转换,养足精神顺利进行接下来的活动。





An Unforgettable Journey

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Jia Shuting, Undergraduate, Grade 2016,

Student Number: 201600801058

This four-week exchange was over as we boarded Qatar International flight again and watched the Stirling on the airline map grow further and further away from us.

I had never felt so short a month before, and when I arrived at the Edinburgh Airport and was about to return home, I could remember exactly what it had been like when we first arrived here a month earlier. It was raining cats and dogs outside, and Grace, our school teacher, and Tom, the student representative from the University of Stirling, welcomed us with open arms, and they were kind enough to offer us school souvenirs and local delicacies. We were sitting in the bus, eating delicious food, listening to everyone’s laughter, Watching the rain roll down on the car window, that let me, a stranger, do not feel at a loss in the foreign country. Upon arrival, the spacious single dormitory, soft and big bed, and convenient sanitary ware all helped me to adapt to the change in time difference, and keep enough spirit to carry out the next activities smoothly.

The first few weeks were teaching week, during which we had a small party to get closer to the faculty and after that the class went well. The teachers in Stirling are very easygoing and the atmosphere in the classroom is quite relaxed. The teachers and students will discuss several issues and express their opinions. Teachers and students learn from each other, they even acknowledge their lack of knowledge in a certain area quite naturally. In such seminars, we seem to be a group of dedicated students, together with their knowledge to try to explore the answer to the question. We talked about the legal system in China and Scotland. After class, our teacher introduced us to the local customs and recommended some places to visit. In learning professional knowledge, I also have a certain understanding of the local culture. The interesting thing is that through communication, we can also find some similarities between each other, like all Chinese teenagers, young people in Scotland also have a taste for fashion, wearing only shorts in winter and they also have parents who make them wear long johns.

In terms of life, Scotland and China also have many different, the biggest difference is the difference in the population. China is a country with a large population, and although we have a large number of ethnic minorities, we have a great deal of cultural ideas in common. In Scotland, you get the distinct impression that the population is smaller, that there is diversity, that there is mutual respect, that there is a greater emphasis on the safe distance between people. Walking the streets, people will not recognize you because of your appearance, which helps us to integrate into the local life more quickly.

In addition to studying, we also went to the nearby city tour. Edinburgh, Glasgow are very beautiful places, near Christmas, we can feel the atmosphere of the annual festival in the local before the festival, the shop windows were decorated with Christmas trees and glittering lights, the streets were decorated with Christmas decorations, and the atmosphere was festive. On New Years Eve, we count down with the locals at Stirling Castle for a brand new year, the sky is bursting with a bunch of fireworks, such personal experience may only once in a lifetime.

I have had many memorable moments in this month. There are so many people to thank, the teachers of the University of Stirling for their help in our life and study, and the teachers of Shanxi University for their care. Most of all, thanks to Shanxi University and the University of Stirling, we have the opportunity for a group of students, who have almost never been abroad, to cross the sea and mountains for an international exchange of study. Through this experience, I can broaden my horizons to see the wider world, but also deeply appreciate the importance of learning. I will study harder and hope to have the opportunity to participate in such activities in the future. I would like to sincerely thank the staff of both universities for their efforts in this exchange, and wish the friendship between University of Stirling and Shanxi University will last forever!

山大法院人 启程看世界
















犹记得周子良副经理在行前会上和大家动情地说:我爱bat365旧网址,我爱你们!周经理道出了我们的心声,但此时我更想说:感谢bat365旧网址,感谢你们!是山大法院人的共同努力促成此次斯特灵之行,是郭书记的声声叮咛让我们始终不忘肩负使命,是朱经理的次次鼓舞让我们拥有唱响序曲的勇气,是庞老师的风趣幽默让我们敢于轻松表达自我,更是刘经理、尹经理、温老师、Grace Wang在专业素养中所体现出的聪慧、细腻、大气,让我们女性在成为职业法律人的过程中看到了努力的方向。

Stay hungrystay foolish.始终虚怀若谷,始终求知若饥。


Student of Law School of Shanxi University,

Set Out to See the World

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

He Xushan, Postgraduate, Grade 2019,

Student Number: 201921811005

"We go to the other side to return to this side; we seek the other side to improve ourselves."

430020009875323221990feet…… On December 7, 2019, with the gradual landing of the plane, we arrived at Edinburgh International Airport, and then started a 28 day exchange and study tour at University of Stirling. From preparation before departure to departure as scheduled, from full expectation to leaving hope, from cultural collision to seeing all beings in the world 28 days is fleeting for our long life, but 28 days' experience and growth out of the country are so vivid and profound. In retrospect, we will still remember it and have the same passion.

  1. Before departure · Light the fire

There is no end to the road of study, not to mention the ceiling. As a student of Law School of Shanxi University, we are always learning and growing. However, it is undeniable that sometimes experience is more important than knowledge. The mountain that many people can't climb in their lives may be just the horizon under the feet of others.

Yeats, an Irish poet, once said that education is not the filling of pail, but to light fire. In order to broaden our horizon, accelerate our growth, and break the ceiling, the leaders of law school have won this precious short-term exchange opportunity for students, so that we can go abroad, see the world, know the world and understand ourselves. At the same time, in order to make this study have a unique experience, the leaders and teachers of the school of international exchange have achieved the ultimate in the curriculum, from the most representative courses of University of Stirling, to the special lectures of the Scottish heritage protection bureau, to visit the Crunchan Hydropower Station, to the law and culture throughout the whole process, rich and substantial. The fire is on, just waiting for us to set out and bloom!

  1. On our way · Impressions of those cities

Starting from Edinburgh International Airport and driving to University of Stirling, you can't help but love the city with a panoramic view of "Scottish green". Coming to the campus, there are charming lakes, endless highland hills, smart swans, free seagulls, happy squirrels, rabbits and a castle with a long history. People can not help but sigh that it is indeed "one of the most beautiful universities in Europe", with beautiful scenery and vitality everywhere.

During the outdoor class visit to the Crunchan Hydropower Station, we further experienced the magnificent scenery of the Scottish Highlands, and further understood the local ecological recycling system, which can be described as a miniature of the whole Scottish ecological concept and environmental protection, that is, using modern technology to minimize pollution, so as to protect the ecosystem to the maximum extent, and on this basis of this, the production efficiency is improved and the maximum benefit is realized. Scotland's natural problems are gradually emerging in the process of its continuous development. Correspondingly, they can solve the problems found in time, which may be one of the important reasons for the coexistence of good local natural environment and high level of economic development. However, there is no doubt that there is a huge pressure for our country to focus on the challenges experienced by western countries in the past few hundred years. Therefore, we can refer to and learn from Scotland's experience and methods in environmental protection.

  1. Deep experience · Classroom record

In University of Stirling, the classroom needs not only a voluble Professor, but also the participation and cooperation of students. Every teacher pays great attention to the interaction, communication and communication with students, supplemented by small class teaching mode. Teachers can timely grasp the students' acceptance of the course, adjust the teaching rhythm at any time, and ensure the efficiency and participation of the class. By observing the classrooms in the teaching building and communicating with the teachers, we found that most of the classrooms in University of Stirling can only hold about 30 people, and there are few large class models of nearly 200 people here.

In the process of small class teaching, it not only emphasizes the display of personality, but also attaches importance to teamwork. Taking Academic English course as an example, Mrs.Ann throws an open topic at the beginning of each class. After fully expressing our views in the group, we elect a representative to make a comprehensive exposition of the essence of the extracted group. Members of other groups can give recognition or doubt and encourage different voices in class. But don't see the classroom is full of "fun" and "laughter". If you want to stand countless rounds of brainstorming, you need to do sufficient preparations in advance. Accordingly, University of Stirling has an advanced library with 24 hours learning facilities and a large number of electronic resources, which can provide learning space and inspiration at any time.

  1. Most unforgettable · stars shining

I still remember our Vice President Zhou Ziliang at the pre trip meetinghe said to us : "I love Shanxi University Law School, and I love you!" President Zhou expressed our voice, but at this time I would like to say: "thank you Shanxi University Law School, thank you!" It's the joint efforts of the people of Law School of Shanxi University to promote the trip of Stirling. It's the voice of Secretary Guo that reminds us to shoulder our mission all the time. It's President Zhu’s encouragement that makes us have the courage to sing the overture. It's Mr.Pang's humor that makes us dare to express ourselves easily. It's the wisdom, delicate and atmospheric reflected in the professional accomplishment of President Liu, President Yin, teacher Wen and Grace Wang, let us women in the process of becoming a professional legal person see the direction of efforts.

Stay hungry, stay foolish.

See you, Stirling!










再者,中国员工长达十多年的学习模式已经习惯了被动接受,所以很少主动提问,这可让英国的老师们不知如何是好。上了第一天的课程之后,Grace Wang就告诉我们老师上课最怕的不是员工把他问住,而是沉默。因为英国的老师和教授们很喜欢问问题,更喜欢员工们主动提问题,无论是什么问题,老师们也会跟员工上一会儿。其实这并不是浪费时间,在我看来,这更像是头脑风暴,一来一回之间,无论是老师还是员工可能都会收获意想不到的灵感。只是中国员工们太过害羞,所以课堂气氛在刚开始时总是会略显尴尬。


我们有句老话,叫:师傅领进门,修行在个人。然而,这句话如今在中国落实得似乎并不理想,倒是在英国大放异彩。在英国,上课的方式不单单只有一种,除了以授课为主外的“lecture”,英国还有seminar, workshops以及tutorial等方式。像 seminar workshops 就是以小组讨论为主,不同的是,seminar多半是上课时即兴分组讨论;而 workshops 经常会在上课之前就已经分好了小组。Tutorial分为集体的和个人的,老师会根据员工的个人情况回答各种问题。无论是哪种方式,都是以员工为主,老师只是起到辅助和引导的作用。我们专业课的进行总是通过law workshops的形式,多是分成3-4人的小组相互交流对某一问题的看法,然后老师会让各组选派出一位代表进行阐述观点,他再对这一观点进行一定的评论(多是很好很不错精彩的想法类似的评价)。这也能看出来英国老师的教学往往是从鼓励员工的角度出发,让员工大胆说出自己的想法,但如果想法过于离谱或者与主题无关的话也会在很好的想法之后加上一个但是



Taste the Charm of China and

Britain from the Differences

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Song Yu, Undergraduate, Grade 2017,

Student Number: 201700801015

I am honored to have the opportunity to come to the University of Stirling in the UK to participate in a one-month short-term academic exchange event jointly organized by Shanxi University and University of Stirling. Through this exchange, I have the opportunity to go abroad and get in touch to understand and learn the dynamics of foreign law teaching, opportunities are very rare, so I cherish it. Throughout the learning process, I worked very hard to successfully complete my studies, while improving my English level, experiencing advanced teaching concepts and academic perspectives, increasing my knowledge, broadening my horizons, and achieving great gains. Benefit a lot.

In the winter season, Scotland has short daytime and long nighttime, with an average of 9:30 in the morning and 4:30 in the afternoon, so our class hours are relatively small. I have tasted British food for the first time in the school restaurant. For many Chinese who have just arrived in the UK, British food is indeed difficult to adapt to, but I have already made psychological preparations. I should let myself go to a strange place as soon as possible. Adapt to the environment, including diet. In daily life, pay attention to actively applying what you have learned to practice, make full use of such a favorable language environment, and improve your language ability as much as possible by communicating with local people. For me, this is indeed a very interesting and rare experience.

When I came to the United Kingdom, I felt the difference in language and culture, and the second and most important thing is that there is a big gap between the Chinese and British teaching models, which is mainly reflected in two aspects:

I. Different learning methods

Generally speaking, most of the Chinese students' learning is passive. They sit in the classroom honestly during the class. The teacher outputs knowledge and the students passively accept it. Few students actively ask questions to the teacher. Most of them are students who ask questions. Many of us who are very accustomed to this teaching mode bring this passive way of listening to the United Kingdom, and we have a situation of "adversity". On the bus that just came to the University of Stirling, the teacher sent us a teaching schedule to let us know about the future courses. At first I didn't care. I thought it was an ordinary schedule. However, during the first professional course teaching, I didn't prepare enough because I didn't prepare in advance. I wasted the time of the first half of the class and became familiar with the teacher's specialty.

Later, in the process of communicating with teachers and international students, I learned that in the UK, each student will receive the course plans and suggested reading lists of teachers from various subjects at the beginning of the school. Many Chinese students may fail to pay attention to these materials and think that teachers will talk about them in class. However, in fact, preview is very important in the UK. Before each lesson, students should at least review the lesson plan. It is best to read some books in the reading catalogue so that they can keep up with the teacher's lecture speed during the lesson. We are also unfamiliar with this new arrival, which leads to this embarrassing phenomenon.

Furthermore, Chinese students have been accustomed to passive acceptance for more than ten years, so they rarely ask questions actively. Thus, teachers in the UK do not know what to do. After taking the first day of class, Grace Wang told us that the teacher's worst fear in class is not the students asking him, but "silence". Because teachers and professors in the UK like to ask questions and prefer students to ask questions, no matter what the problem is, the teachers will "talk" to the students for a while. In fact, this is not a waste of time. In my opinion, this is more like a "brainstorm." Between time and time, both teachers and students may gain unexpected inspiration. It's just that Chinese students are too "shy", so the classroom atmosphere will always be a little awkward at the beginning.

Ⅱ. Different Teaching Methods

As an old saying says, the master leads the door and practices in a person. However, this sentence does not seem to work well in China today, but it shines in Britain. In the UK, there are more than one way to teach a class. In addition to "lecture", which mainly focuses on teaching, there are also seminar, workshops, and tutorial methods in the UK. Group discussions such as seminar and workshops are mainly group discussions. The difference is that seminars are mostly impromptu group discussions in class; workshops often have grouped before class. Tutorial is divided into collective and individual. Teachers will answer various questions based on the students' personal situation. Whatever the way is, students are the main focus, and the teacher only plays a supporting and guiding role. Our professional courses are always conducted in the form of law workshops. Most of them are divided into groups of 3-4 people to exchange views on a certain issue. Then the teacher will send a representative to each group to explain his point of view. Some comments on opinions (mostly "good", "very good", "wonderful ideas", etc.). It can also be seen that the teaching of British teachers is often from the perspective of encouraging students to let students speak their ideas boldly, but if the idea is too outrageous or has nothing to do with the topic, a "but".

Through these differences, I also gradually felt the charm of such interactive teaching and the lack of class time in China, which can also innovate my learning style and bring us thinking about how to carry out university education.

Finally, thanks again to the schools and colleges for giving us this rare opportunity. One month in the UK, I cherish it and spend a lot of gains every day. Although not a long time, it is enough to broaden my horizons and learn about the legal education or university education in foreign universities. With many new learning ideas and methods, this is very valuable. I believe that with the care of leaders at all levels and education departments, China's university law education and foreign cooperation in running schools will surely get better and better.

感恩相遇 砥砺前行




斯特灵大学是全世界最美丽的大学之一,被誉为英国最美校园。学校紧靠的近千年历史的Bannockburn 古战场遗址是好莱坞历史上最伟大的电影之一《勇敢的心》的故事背景地。陡峻的Ochil山,300多公顷风景如画的森林公园,古老的Airthrey城堡,威严的Wallace纪念碑,Airthrey湖上成群结队的鸟群,湖中央悠闲自在的白天鹅,嬉戏玩耍的鸭子,一切都仿佛是大自然最好的安排,是一种人文底蕴与自然生态最美好的结合,一座建立在公园上的学校。偶尔淅淅沥沥的下着小雨,呼吸着新鲜的空气,远离城市的喧嚣,感受着环境带来的一种独有的慢节奏,觉得学习都是一种享受。此外,学校还带给我们一种阳光活力、积极向上的感觉。斯特灵大学是英国奥委会官方指定的国家运动员训练中心之一,拥有全英国大学里数一数二、苏格兰第一的大批顶级体育设施。包括Gannochy国家网球中心、国家游泳学院游泳池(英国奥委会指定的国家游泳运动员训练基地)、9洞高尔夫球场、大型田径场、橄榄球场、足球场、曲棍球场、板球场、壁球场、回力球场、含8块场地的大型体育馆、健身与力量训练中心、高尔夫球轻击区、高尔夫球远击区、舞蹈中心以及可进行帆船、冲浪和划独木舟的湖泊。此外还包括充满情调与艺术气息的咖啡厅、剧院、音乐厅、MacRobert艺术中心等等。


一个月既漫长又短暂漫长是因为身处异乡,思念恩师、同学、亲人;短暂是因为在斯特灵大学度过的这段时光真的很快乐、很充实,而快乐的时光又总是过的很快人应当常怀感恩之心,感恩母校给予的难得机会,感恩恩师的支持与鼓励,感恩Grace Wang老师在斯特灵的陪伴与照顾,感恩斯特灵大学给予的所有!

Thank You for Meeting and

Continue to Move Forward

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Kang Xing, Postgraduate, Grade 2018,

Student Number: 201821805002

From 12:35 AM GMT 07 Dec 2019 to 00:25 AM GMT 04 Jan 2020, the month-long University of Stirling Exchange Program at Shanxi University School of law has come to an end. So far, the school leadership "happy, safe return" message is still lingering in the ear; students packed up their bags, ready to go picture is still vivid. In the space of a month, we have all grown and gained a lot from learning about British culture, feeling Scottish feelings, learning about the history of Stirling and the philosophy of the University of Stirling. We are grateful to our Alma Mater for providing us with such an opportunity and platform to broaden our horizons and improve ourselves. Participating in this inter-school exchange program is not only an honor, but also a duty and a mission, and it was the prelude to the joint venture between Shanxi University and the University of Stirling.

University of Stirling is one of the most beautiful universities in the world and has been praised as the most beautiful campus in Britain. The school's proximity to the 1,000 year old site of the old Bannockburn battlefield is the setting for one of Hollywood's greatest films, brave heart. The steep Ochil mountains, more than 300 hectares of picturesque forest park, the ancient castle of Airthrey, the Majestic Wallace monument, the flocks of birds on Airthrey Lake, the leisurely white swans in the middle of the lake, the ducks playing, everything seems to be the best arrangement of nature, the best combination of humane details and natural ecology, and it’s a school built on a park. Occasionally, breathing fresh air away from the noise of the city, I feel that learning is a kind of enjoyment. In addition, the school also brings us a sunny vitality, positive feeling. University of Stirling is the British Olympic Committee official designated as one of the National Athletes Training Center, with the University of the best in the UK, Scotland's first batch of top sports facilities. These include the Gannochy National Tennis Centre, the National Swimming Academy Swimming Pool (the national swimming training ground designated by the British Olympic Committee) , the 9-hole golf course, the large athletics field, the rugby field, the football field, the hockey field, the cricket field, the eight-court Gymnasium, the fitness and strength training centre, the Putt area, the golf driving range, the dance centre and the Lakes where sailing, surfing and canoeing can take place. There are also cafes, theatres, concert halls, the MacRobert arts centre and more, which are full of atmosphere and art.

Of course, in addition to the picturesque campus, colorful classroom teaching is the also impressive. Whether it is from the curriculum, or teaching style, are we in the country rarely, or never touch and experience. As far as the curriculum is concerned, in addition to arranging professional lectures during the month of exchange study, the University of Stirling has been instrumental in solving the problems that students may face in their future employment, there are specialized career guidance courses related to personal development. The knowledge and skills taught in class are the ones we can use and solve in the job-hunting process. In addition, the language environment and standard expression provided by the academic English course have given us a new understanding of the English we have learned, and many non-standard expressions and vocabulary use have been corrected with the help of teachers, learned a lot of pure, professional knowledge of English. Speaking of teaching style, I cannot help but recall the class teachers and students exchange and interaction dribs and drabs. This month at University of Stirling, I think it's more about the quality of the classroom. The teacher as far as possible to communicate with each student, and students for the classroom participation is particularly strong. The teacher specially trains the schoolmates the team cooperation ability, and each class schoolmates are free to form several groups, regarding the teacher's question carries on the discussion and finally forms the unified viewpoint to carry on the statement. After the class, the students have been full exchange and expression of their views, team cooperation has also been improved.

A month is long and short. It is long because we are in a foreign land and misses teachers, classmates, and relatives. It is long short because the time spent in the University of Stirling is really happy, very meaningful, and the happy time always passes quickly. I will always be grateful for the rare opportunity given by his Alma Mater, the support and encouragement given by his grateful teacher, and the company and care given by Grace Wang in Stirling, thanks to the University of Stirling for all!

交流新体验 追梦山大人




首先,感谢学校领导、学院领导、尹老师、庞老师以及斯大Grace Wang老师的支持、指导和关怀,感谢各位学长学姐的帮助和陪伴。从出行前的准备工作到活动期间的点点滴滴,我真真切切地感受到我们是一个团结友爱的大家庭,都在为此次活动的圆满完成尽全力付出,因访学而建立的这份宝贵的情谊我会倍加珍惜。


临行前,经过和斯特灵大学校方的多次沟通交流,终于敲定了我们需要学习的课程,分别是Academic English(学术英语)Personal Development Training(就业规划)Law Workshop(法律讨论会)。斯大的课堂比较注重师生互动和小组合作,这种课堂和我们平常灌输式的课堂很不一样。当我们对问题的理解效果不是很好时,老师会通过各种方法一步步引导,语言解释、动作辅助、媒体资料、甚至是互动游戏,不会让我们觉得紧张和有压力,又可以促进理解和思考。也可能是班容量较小的缘故吧,课堂几乎全程是在小组讨论中进行的,而且老师很关注组内每个人的分工安排,每个人都发声,在语言碰撞中求同存异。在专业学习上,大二的我虽然还没系统学习到垄断、仲裁这些国际法方面的知识,但是聆听了四次法律研讨会,在学长学姐的帮助下我了解了好多,也算是一次预习吧。恰好碰上圣诞假期,原定好的课程压缩至两周内完成,虽然短暂,但很难忘。也许多年以后,回想起这段经历,还会记得绕过艺术中心找教室的路程,记得遇到的天鹅和小松鼠,记得找不到路而差点迟到的那个上午……

这次交流学校安排了一些文化活动,还有平常的free day,我们可以走出学校,走进斯特灵,走进苏格兰,用眼睛和心灵来感受另一个国度的历史文化。苏格兰人超级有礼貌,很有绅士风度,“sorry”“thank you”经常挂在嘴边,刚来确实还有点不适应。礼貌但又不是很有距离感,苏格兰人带着些热情和豪爽,亲切地给我们指路,帮助我们解决火车行程上的疑惑,很幸运我们遇到的都是善良友好的人,那种闪烁在眼睛里的真诚,让身处异国他乡的我觉得十分暖心。在二十多天里,我们走近过许多城堡,不得不感叹苏格兰对古建筑的保护做得相当不错,尖塔、古堡安静地矗立在闹市之中,俯瞰着繁华的街道,古典与现代交融,庄严与浪漫并存。蒙蒙细雨中,教堂的钟声在耳边响起,仿佛可以看到几百年来苏格兰人对自由的追求和对生活的热爱。难怪大文豪雨果曾说:建筑是用石头写成的史书。无需多言,用心去感受即可。走在大街上,经常可以看到脚踩高跟鞋,化着精致妆容的老太太,还有独自开车游刃有余上路的老绅士,我在他们身上看到了一种不服老的劲头,不管什么时候,都有自己的追求,有自己的生活,而这恰恰是大部分中国老人所缺失的东西。我就是我,不必过分在意世俗眼光,有时候真的需要打破成见,活出自我。


Exchange New Experiences and

Chase Our Dreams

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Tian Haonan, Undergraduate, Grade 2018,

Student Number: 201700303035

At the beginning of the New Year, it is 2020 in the twinkling of an eye. Some of my friends posted their annual summaries. Looking back at my 2019, it was about luck and fantasy. At the end of 2019, I had the honor to participate in the intercollegiate exchange with the University of Stirling. Although it was only 28 days, it was an unforgettable and fantastic experience for me. I never thought I could go abroad, but I came to Scotland and the University of Stirling. Surprise, excitement and gratitude were the main melodies of these 28 days. I am very grateful to Shanxi University and the law school for giving me this opportunity to see the outside world with my own eyes. From the busy preparation in the early days to the safe return to China, I experienced many firsts and also had many different feelings and experiences.

First of all, I would like to thank the college leaders, school leaders, teacher Yin, teacher Pang and Grace Wang for their support, guidance and care. And thank my schoolmates for their help and company. From the preparation before the trip to the little things during the activity, I really feel that we are a big family of unity and friendship, and we are doing our best to complete the activity. I will cherish the precious friendship established by the visit.

Secondly, after living abroad for 20-plus days, I have a lot of new feelings and experiences about learning and culture to share.

Before I left, after many times of communication with the University of Stirling, we finally decided on the courses we need to learn, including Academic English, Personal Development Training and Law Workshop. I think the class gave more attention to teacher-student interaction and group cooperation, which was very different from our usual class. When our understanding of problems was not very good, the teachers would guide us step by step through various methods, such as language explanation, action assistance, media materials, and even interactive games, which would not make us feel nervous and stressful, but could also promote understanding and thinking. Due to the small size of the class, almost the whole class was conducted in the group discussion. Moreover, the teacher paid close attention to the division of labor of everyone in the group. In terms of professional learning, although I did not systematically learn the knowledge of international law such as monopoly and arbitration in my sophomore year, I listened to four law workshops and learned a lot with the help of my schoolmates. It just could be regarded as a preview. Just in time for the Christmas holidays, the scheduled classes were compressed into two weeks, short but memorable. Maybe years from now, when I look back on this experience, I will remember the way around the art center to find the classroom, the swans and the little squirrels I met, the morning I almost arrived late because I couldn't find my way...

As for this exchange program, the University of Stirling arranged some cultural activities. And in the usual free days, we could go out of school to come into Stirling and Scotland, with eyes and heart to feel the history and culture of another country. The Scots were very polite and gentlemanly. "Sorry" and "thank you" were always on the lips. Polite but not very far away, the Scots with some enthusiasm and forthright, kindly gave us directions and helped us solve the train journey doubts. We were very lucky to meet the kind and friendly people. When I saw the sincere twinkle in their eyes, I felt very warm in a foreign country. In more than 20 days, we have come close to many castles. We have to sigh that the protection of old buildings in Scotland is quite good. Towers and castles quietly stand in the downtown, overlooking the busy streets. Classicism and modernism blend, solemn and romantic coexistence. Drizzle, church bells sounded in the ear, as if I could see hundreds of years of Scottish pursuit of freedom and love for life. No wonder the great writer Hugo once said, "architecture is a history written in stone." Don't say much, just feel it with your heart. Walking in the streets, I could often see old ladies with high heels and elaborate makeup and the old gentlemen driving alone on the road. No matter when, have their own pursuit, have their own life. And this is precisely what most the elderly in China missing. I am who I am. We don't have to pay too much attention to the secular vision, sometimes really need to break the stereotypes, live out our own life.

Now looking back, I had a lot of unforgettable and fantastic experiences during the exchange programs, which would become the precious memories and wealth in my life journey.












Grow in the Harvest

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Lan Yue, Undergraduate, Grade 2018,

Student Number: 201800801060

From the end of October to the end of December, we went through too much in this month. Going to the UK for exchange, and not to mention the efforts made by our students, we have done our best in the connection of relevant departments. The initial material preparation went through several rebuilds, followed by a long and uneasy wait

The process of going abroad, let me understand that I am a capable person, let me dare to face challenges.

After more than ten hours of air travel, we finally arrived at Edinburgh Airport. From the moment after the immigration inspection, I really felt that I was in a foreign country. Taking the bus provided by the school and looking out of the window at the intermittent rain and the gradually retreating open landscape, I feel uneasy and expectant. I don't know what kind of journey will be waiting for me.

Each student received the "love bag" of University of Stirling, which contains yogurt, doughnuts and snacks, filling my stomach because of fatigue and hunger. From the urban scenery to the rural scenery, there are no high-rise buildings, no mountains, no people, no rush steps, only the unimpeded wind and fresh air. But Britain has been famous for its rainy weather for many years. I sometimes think it's a bit exaggerated, but I really carry an umbrella with me, and don't be fooled by the sunshine for a while!

"Here we are! Let's get out of the car! " Mrs. Wang said. That brings me back to reality. So I stayed in the BC apartment, where I spent my new life. There are independent showers and bathrooms, spacious desks, eye protecting lamps, clean wardrobes and bedside lamps. Then go to the school library, swimming pool, gym... All in all, the hardware facilities are very complete.

When it comes to software facilities, let's talk about what I have learned. I have learned the British way of learning here. Compared with the traditional Chinese way of education, you need to take the initiative to study, study and think in the UK. Moreover, the British education system leaves students with a wide imagination space, where I can fully express my ideas as an individual. What impresses me most is that in the personal development class, we were given 15 minutes to challenge the marshmallow, which is unimaginable in China. There are also professional knowledge courses, which will carry out group tasks. Everyone must have their own ideas and have a certain amount of their own understanding of this part of knowledge. But in general, each has its own advantages. Domestic education gives us more knowledge, thinking and quality, while foreign education gives us more personal ability to explore knowledge.

Communication and learning have brought me much more benefits than expected. I have gained a lot from people to people and nature. Communication and collision between different cultures sometimes become a big problem when I communicate with the cashier. The life here is not as compact as that in China, but the sky that has been fading since three or four o'clock has brought me a long time Night is still hard to maintain lasting happiness, the deep understanding of professional knowledge, the deep understanding of common law system and the comparison of civil law system.

This time, thank you all for your efforts. All can only be summed up as a worthy trip.







Write a New Chapter with Endeavor

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Jia Hongrui, Postgraduate, Grade 2019,

Student Number: 201921811006

With the joint efforts and efforts of our leading teachers, we managed to get 30 places to visit University of Stirling for a four week exchange visit. I was honored to be one of them. On January 4, our party returned home safely. This visit ended successfully, and the successful end of the activity was the result of our joint efforts.

The opportunity is hard won. Students go abroad to visit schools at public expense. This activity is the first time in the history of Shanxi University. It can not be separated from the efforts and strong support of school leaders and leading teachers of International College. The whole process of preparing materials, delivering materials and submitting materials for examination and approval is a "green light". It shows that the school attaches great importance to this matter and makes great efforts to support it Hold. At the same time, it is a rare thing to see that all the 30 places are in law school, which is inseparable from the hard work of our leading teachers. From the project establishment to the start of the trip and then to the final return home, our leading teachers have not been a little slack, helping us to prepare materials, prepare literature translation, prepare professional knowledge, etc., and completed a number of tedious and meticulous work. Our work has laid a solid foundation for our successful study abroad. At the same time, when we study abroad, we also pay close attention to our dynamics, always care about us and make us feel warm. The leading teachers of the International College also made a lot of efforts for this activity. In the preparation stage of the activity, they connected with the school of University of Stirling, and finally determined the travel time to be years ago. They often worked late into the night to prepare materials, deliver visas and other work, accompanied us in the whole journey, gave us various guidance, helped us solve many difficulties, and quickly adapted to life. The unremitting efforts and efforts of leading teachers are the fundamental guarantee for the success of the visit. With their dedication, the arduous task of studying abroad in a month's preparation time was successfully carried out and successfully ended. The full cooperation and struggle of the students is also the key to the smooth development of this activity. From the preliminary preparation to the final safe return, we always keep a high spirited attitude. While facing challenges in the activity, we work together to overcome them. No matter how big the difficulties, divided by 30, they become insignificant. During the journey, we have experienced new learning methods under the new learning environment, experienced the customs of different countries, carried out various group activities and collective activities, and we take care of each other, support each other, live together and grow together, making the 28 days warm and unforgettable. We started from the end of the 21s, shouldered the mission of winning honor for our alma mater, shouldered the task of promoting cooperative education with each other with excellent performance and embarked on the journey; we returned from the beginning of the 21s and 1920s, with all staff safe and full of harvest, so that each other could see our high spirited struggle, rigorous and efficient learning ability, for the new era. Dai has opened up a new journey. In the future study, we will cherish the professional knowledge and personal improvement we learned in this hard won exchange and apply it to all aspects of our study and life. In the new decade, we will strive to write a new chapter.

山川异域 风月同天








Different Mountains but Same Moon

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Guo Ran, Undergraduate, Grade 2017,

Student Number: 201700801137

First of all, I would like to thank the school for providing us with such a rare opportunity to study and exchange at the University of Stirling. I am very grateful that I can have such a wonderful learning and living experience that is so different from others, even if it is only a month, it is fleeting.

The University of Stirling was established in 1967 with the authorization of the Queen of the United Kingdom. It is located in the imperial city of the former Kingdom of Scotland. It is one of the most innovative, beautiful and outstanding British National Universities. It is also the top university in Scotland. On December 6, 2019, after a two-day flight, we reached the heart of the United Kingdom, we landed at Edinburgh Airport, and a teacher from the University of Stirling was waiting at the airport early. We took the bus to the University of Stirling, went through check-in procedures, and everything went smoothly. The dormitory is a single room, and it may actually be a single apartment, with shower room, toilet, facilities are very good, and there is a separate kitchen for students to cook.

After everything was arranged, we started to take classes. The courses are roughly divided into professional courses, career guidance planning courses, and English courses. At the beginning of the class, because all the courses were taught in English, the professional courses were relatively hard to listen to, and the speed of speech was a bit uncomfortable. Coupled with the professional legal terminology, people were listening confusedly. But after a long period of time, I slowly got used to this speed and tried hard to listen. I could basically understand it later in the course, and I felt a great sense of accomplishment. The teachers at the University of Stirling are also very kind and enthusiastic. When they first started the class, they spoke slowly and often asked us if we understood them. In addition, they also explained to us the history and culture of Britain. We also followed the teacher to the local attractions, such as Stirling Castle, Edinburgh, etc. These attractions fully show the characteristics of the British court culture and modern city. When I stood on Calton Hill in Edinburgh, I went down Looking down at the entire night view of Edinburgh, it seemed like time was paused at that moment, and everything seemed like a dream.

Before going to the UK again, I think that studying abroad has little to do with me. Regardless of my professional ability, language level, or economic ability, I cannot choose to study abroad. But after this month, my mentality has changed a lot, from a negative occlusion to a positive and open mind. In fact, the professional courses in English are not as difficult as imagined, and English is not so difficult to learn. Secondly, my ability has also been greatly improved, including professional ability and survivability. Living in a completely different cultural environment, not only has language barriers, the greater challenge is the impact of culture, but also a more practical diet. We are accustomed to challenges, so when we study abroad, we have "forced" good cooking skills. Overcome language barriers, try to understand culture, and make your stomach more comfortable. These are the basic viability. With the first and second country changes, I think it will be more handy.

Your values determine your mindset, and your mindset determines how happy you are in your current environment. Studying abroad is a good growth path, and it is just one of countless paths. The so-called roads lead to Rome. The "destination" is the ability to acquire "migration" and a positive and open mind.








Study at University of Stirling

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Yang Feiyan, Undergraduate, Grade 2016,

Student Number: 201600801100

As time goes by, a short month of study and communication is fleeting. Thank you for the opportunity to study at University of Stirling. I'm very glad to have this wonderful learning and life experience.

Experience starts from two aspects. First, learning experience. What I am looking forward to when I come to University of Stirling is learning knowledge. Stu has arranged three courses for us, namely, language course, employment guidance course and law major course. Next, let me share the experience of three classes for you. First of all, our first class is the employment guidance class. The teacher's name is Elaine. Her name is as gentle as a human. Elaine's teacher explains the skills needed for employment to us. She interprets the benefits of having some skills and the help for employment from many aspects, such as communication ability, writing ability and the adversity business emphasized in recent years in China, that is, encounter I was impressed by the ability and confidence to avoid danger and fear danger when we were in difficulties. Maybe because the first class and the first time I felt that employment was close to us and even closely related to us, I would find that my skills were also very limited. The teacher sent us a table to evaluate my own employment skills for the first time. The teaching style abroad is so diversified and interactive. The second class is the language class. We arrange 15 small classes for us. In the language class, there is a feeling that we are familiar with in China, but there are many differences. In the language class, we feel that we are participating in the class. The questions asked by the teacher are never so difficult that you have no thoughts and only speak freely. As the teacher said, don't be afraid, that is Make your grammar wrong and no one laughs at you. The language teacher said something that impressed me very much. She said that the common characteristic of Chinese children is shyness. I think this should be the biggest difference in teaching styles at home and abroad. The second is life experience. Briefly talk about your own interesting life, because your self-care level is fairly good, and it's hard for you to go abroad and cook your own food. You can share some of your experiences and feelings. What impresses me is that we go to take the bus together and find that everyone gets on the bus to tell the driver where they want to go and pay for it Fei, then the driver will change the change. At that time, I saw for the first time that it felt that the national conditions of our two countries were really different! At that time, I was still wondering why I could always see some disabled people in the local area. Later, I found that the disabled facilities in Scotland were very complete and the travel of disabled people was very convenient. On this point, our country is also on the way to protect the rights and interests of disabled people by a large margin! Finally, on Christmas day, when we were walking on the street, a few little foreign boys said a lovely sentence in Chinese: "Hello!" Later, there were drivers passing by saying "Merry Christmas" to us. I felt really happy at that moment.

The above is my personal experience. This month's exchange time is my life's wealth. I will integrate what I have learned into my study life, and apply this knowledge and wonderful experience to my study life!











Climb High and See Farther

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Chen Wei, Undergraduate, Grade 2018,

Student Number: 20180080101

This month of communication at the University of Stirling has benefited me a lot from both my experience of western teaching models and my personal experience of multiculturalism.

Stirling is located in the upper middle of Edinburgh and Glasgow. This ancient town retains its medieval style. Walking on the street is like you are in the Britain in 16th century. Overlooking from Stirling Castle, you will see rows of small residential areas and vast green areas. Unlike some crowded and busy cities in China, here is a sparsely populated place with a slower pace of life. During the exchange, we visited the Scottish Highlands, Stirling Castle, and the Wallace Monument, where we felt the double charm of nature and British quaint culture.

The University of Stirling is the only university in the UK to be established in the Royal Palace, known as the most beautiful campus in the UK. The vegetation coverage on campus is very high and there are also lakes. On the way back from class, we often see small animals such as squirrels and swans. Most people here have pets, and dogs are seen running on the grass every day.

During this month, we experienced the small class teaching method in the UK. In this teaching mode, students can listen more closely to the teacher, interact with the teacher, ask questions and get answers at any time. In addition, another difference from China is that the PPT used by teachers in class is very concise, as only the key points are listed. I think this has also helped students focus more. In China, we may ignore the teachers’ explanations because of browsing too much content on the PPT. Some students may even recite the PPT to cope with the exams instead of attending lectures or reading books. This can put teaching into a terrible situation of focusing on exams rather than knowledge itself. Bold speaking in class also makes us more confident. In this month's course, we also have a preliminary understanding of international investment law, international arbitration law and other laws. Through these courseswe get to understand the importance of learning English during the study of international law. Among them, the teacher of international economic law also shared his life experience with us, and told us the valuable experience of how to learn languages, which was very beneficial.

In addition to Stirling, we also visited the two major cities in ScotlandEdinburgh and Glasgow, during this time in the UK. Walking on the street, we can see people with different skin colors, different hair colors, and different dressing styles. Feeling the difference in the world makes us more inclusive and open. The experience of living in the UK not only gives us a better understanding of foreign countries, but also strengthens our confidence in our homeland. For example, when looking at the Australian mountain fire that has not been extinguished for four months, the first consideration we have is the objective factors, such as the difficulty of firefighting caused by sparsely populated areas in European countries and Australia, rather than blaming the government for its incompetence at first. For example, after seeing European delivery staff delivering food on footyou will lament how developed China's food delivery industry is. Compared to fancy tourism, I am very fortunate to have the opportunity to learn more about the life and culture of a country.

In the process, I also harvested precious friendship. For the first time, I lived in an apartment with my own space with so many friends. We shared the delicious snacks we found in the supermarket and talked about the funny things we had at school. Whether it is the vision, knowledge, or the improvement of living ability, it makes me feel worthwhile.











斯特灵冬天的黑夜总是来得急匆匆。我们也努力抓住斯特灵的白天丰富日常生活。吃的方面,我们体验了当地的fish and chips,热情意大利人的披萨,著名的威士忌,圣诞节还得到公寓管理员的手工甜食。在品尝当地特色菜之外,我们还尝试自己下厨。在斯特灵出行是很方便的。我们出行大多乘坐公交车,有特色的是,下车前必须按铃向司机示意方可下车。我们还乘坐火车去格拉斯哥和爱丁堡。火车站复古又漂亮。火车上环境很好,阅读在火车上很常见。此外,我们还会在闲暇时去喂天鹅,喂鸭子,喂乌鸦,喂松鼠,还会经常去林间寻找小鹿。在斯特灵的日常生活总是觉得快乐又短暂。


Unforgettable Journey

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Jiang Pengjing, Postgraduate, Grade 2017,

Student Number: 201721805001

It snowed for many days in succession in Shanxi. The top of the mountain, trees, lakes, fields, into the eye white cover the sky. The cold wind blowing head-on roared past like a knife. The dry air is always restless. In such a typical northern winter, it always reminds me of Stirling's refreshing winter and the one-month exchange life in University of Stirling. From December 7, 2019 to January 2, 2020, I am extremely honored to be a member of the inter-school exchange team of Shanxi University to start a one-month study in University of Stirling. During this period, the harvest was full and I felt a lot. Now I will mainly introduce my thoughts and feelings in this intercollegiate exchange activity from the following three aspects: curriculum study, cultural activities and daily life.

I. Curriculum Study

The primary content of school-level communication activities is learning. University of Stirling's curriculum includes personal development training, academic English, climate change and law, and four legal lectures. Through the study of these courses, I have a more intuitive feeling about the curriculum, classroom atmosphere and thinking mode of University of Stirling. First, the curriculum is reasonable. University of Stirling will arrange personal development training, academic English and Dr. Chen Cheng's lecture in the first week so that we can quickly adapt to the all-English teaching environment and prepare for subsequent courses. Second, the classroom is active. The classes in University of Stirling are basically group activities. Teachers pay attention to the mobilization of classroom atmosphere and the participation of students. For example, teacher Elaine will let the group complete a task and emphasize the importance of group cooperation. Teacher Pontian will constantly guide students to ask questions and answer questions, and cultivate students' problem thinking. The third is the way of thinking. In the past, we often heard "critical thinking" in our study, but it seems that we have never really realized the connotation of critical thinking. In the academic English class, Anne will use a daily topic to guide us to use critical thinking to think dialectically, helping us to open our minds and think fully. Fourth, book resources are great. In our spare time, we will go to Stirling's library to read books. Stirling's library has elegant environment, perfect facilities, comprehensive resources and reasonable classification, providing a good learning environment.

II. Cultural Activities

University of Stirling has prepared rich cultural activities for us. Visiting Stirling Castle, a Stirling campus tour, a one-day trip to Glencore and a Christmas party greatly enriched our communication life in Stirling and also gave us a comprehensive and three-dimensional understanding of Stirling and Scottish culture. Stirling Castle, Wallace Monument, Scottish National Museum and so on provide us with good materials for understanding Scottish history and culture. The campus tour and Glencoe were more directly shocked by Scotland's charming natural scenery. The lake water in the campus is sparkling, graceful and proud swans, nimble seagulls, slow ducks and some small animals that cannot be named are leisurely and carefree in the warm winter sun. Crows blocking out the sun, a loving squirrel family and a rare deer in the forest shuttle between the trees. The whole Stirling campus is full of vitality. In Glencoe, the wonders of the U-shaped Grand Canyon, the towering snow-capped mountains, and the misty mist in the mountains have shrouded Glencoe in mystery. Being in Glencoe is more of a fear of nature.

It is worth mentioning that Scotland has a perfect infrastructure for the socially disadvantaged. Whether in Stirling, Edinburgh or Glasgow, it is normal for disabled people, pregnant women and mothers with prams to leave the streets. They can go shopping, supermarket and exhibition by themselves. They all smile and enjoy life. Supermarkets will have special staff to help the disabled, and shopping baskets will also have special for the disabled. The shopping mall has a toilet for the disabled and a passageway for the disabled. The boarding and alighting places of buses are flush with the ground. It is easy for the disabled and mothers pushing prams to board and alight. Many doors in University of Stirling are infrared induction doors and do not need to be pushed. The continuous improvement of these infrastructures has provided great convenience to the vulnerable groups in society, and is also a guarantee for their life and dignity.

III. Daily life

Stirling's winter nights always come in a hurry. We also try our best to seize Stirling's day to enrich our daily life. In terms of food, we experienced local fish and chips, pizza made by enthusiastic Italians, famous whiskey, and handmade sweets made by apartment managers at Christmas. Apart from tasting local specialties, we also tried to cook ourselves. It is very convenient to travel in Stirling. Most of us travel by bus. What is special is that we must ring the bell to signal to the driver before getting off. We also take trains to Glasgow and Edinburgh. The railway station is retro and beautiful. The environment on the train is very good, reading is very common on the train. In addition, we also feed swans, ducks, crows and squirrels in our spare time, and often go to the woods to look for deer. Daily life in Stirling is always happy and short-lived.

Finally, I have gained a lot from this exchange. In terms of learning, I know more about the importance of thinking. The all-English environment has greatly improved my English level. At the same time, I also had an intuitive feeling and profound understanding of Stirling and Scottish culture. Thank you very much to the leaders and teachers of Shanxi University, International Education Exchange College and Law School for giving me this precious opportunity to go abroad, broaden my horizon and increase my knowledge. At the same time, I am deeply grateful to all teachers and students in University of Stirling for their patient guidance and meticulous care during the exchange.

读万卷书行万里路 步履不停品英伦











吃了吗?是中国人地道的问候方式,而到了苏格兰,就是“horrible weather right讨论天气成了开启话题的必选项,朦胧的雨天很清爽舒适,晴天和阳光就更像难得礼物!同时我也注意到,英式绅士的礼貌作风在日常生活体现的淋漓尽致,几乎是将“excuse me”“sorry”挂在嘴边,人与人之间亲近但掌握分寸,有礼节不疏远,让我也逐渐习惯了sorry不离口。未出发前,三十个人互相不熟悉,有些连名字也不知道,可是在一个月的配合协作中,我们逐渐熟悉了解,并拥有了一段美好回忆,收获了友谊。三十个人,三十天,从bat365在线登录入口到斯特灵大学,从中国到苏格兰,这是属于我们不可磨灭难以忘怀的独家记忆。

Reading Thousands of Books, Traveling Thousands of Miles and Constantly Appreciating English

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Hao Yimin, Undergraduate, Grade 2017,

Student Number: 201700801010

A month-long exchange visit to the University of Stirling has come to an end, but the drop-point at the University of Stirling still lingers in the heart for a long time. A month may be short, but for the first time out of the country, it is absolutely a rare opportunity, unlike tourism play, we are to study for the purpose of law; unlike studying abroad, we have both short-term communication and cultural experience; more different from domestic study, the differences between Chinese and Western education are reflected in all aspects .So Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the leadership and teachers who have been actively supporting this exchange. The successful conclusion of the event is that you have made us. A month life in Stirling, from the excitement of the beginning to the memory of parting, the passage of time, but let me both from the study, life, interpersonal communication are quite deep, quite fruitful.

As we all know, most Chinese students are better at reading and writing than speaking and listening, which is why Chinese students can take exams, but communication may not be so smooth. Before I came to Stirling, I was most worried about my English listening and speaking skills. Can I understand the teacher's lecture in class? Whether I can express my doubts clearly in English is a great concern before I leave. On my first day at the University of Stirling, I was a little embarrassed that I hadn't understood one of those words for a long time when I was communicating with Tom, a college volunteer. But in the first class, my concerns were cut in half, my personal development training teacher spoke more slowly and tried to reduce her Scottish accent, and we were able to understand and understand 95%.

Chinese and Western teaching methods are also given I bring a lot of shock, than at home, big teachers are more inclined to inspire students critical thinking, step by step let us draw our own conclusions. Whether it is academic English or legal research, we not only sat in the classroom, but also participated in it, really let ourselves become the master of the classroom, and the teacher is only an assistant. I was impressed by the fact that in a section of the legal discussion the teacher spoke about who came from Taiwan China, she asked us to define the law by ourselves, to understand it, and gave some guidance.

Independence in life is the core life principle that ran through the Stirling communication activities. Unlike at home, we had greater autonomy for our spare time, no free time for class, and every activity is a new challenge. It took a lot of time to be familiar with the campus, to master the direction and the fast way to the classroom. The choice of transportation mode, the cognition of Scottish currency, the purchase of supermarket food materials are all steps with the familiarity and adaptation of the Scottish lifestyle, and also the good ways to exercise their own communication. For the cooking, in Shanxi University, we used to the dining hall with the delicious. In Stirling, we can only be hard to cook our own. From simple sandwiches to delicious Chinese-style fried rice, I also in cooking challenges to understand that there is nothing difficult in the world only afraid of people!

‘Have you eaten?’in interpersonal communication is the Chinese way of greeting, and in Scotland it's "how could we be right?". Discussion of the weather has become a necessary choice to open the topic, hazy rainy days are very refreshing and comfortable, sunny days and sunshine is more like a rare gift! Before leaving, 30 people were unfamiliar with each other, some did not even know the name, but in a month of cooperation, we gradually became familiar with, and had a good memory, harvest friendship. Thirty people, thirty days, from Shanxi University to University of Stirling, from China to Scotland, this is our indelible exclusive memory.












斯特灵大学校园堪称苏格兰最美丽的地方,陡峻的Ochil 山,300多公顷风景如画的森林公园,古老的Airthrey城堡、威严的Wallace纪念碑和Airthrey湖上成群结队的鸟群,让每位前来学习的员工心旷神怡。员工宿舍、演播厅、实验室、图书馆和各种各样的体育场馆就分布在这些美丽的景色之中。













Vision Wider, World Bigger

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Hu Ping, Postgraduate, Grade 2017,

Student Number: 201721807006

The exchange time is fast but full of harvest. Stirling is a small city in Scotland. It is quiet and leisure, and people live according to their own rhythm but not too fast and slowly. The traffic is very convenient, and the people can reach the international airport located in Edinburgh or Grassogo in half an hour. The University of Stirling is located in Stirling. During the period of exchange, we can see many cultures, habits and learning modes of Scotland. Especially, the lesson style of teachers and the knowledge of professors also give many inspirations to the teacher.

I.First impression of Scotland

1. Weather conditions

The weather in Britain is mostly rainy and sunny most of the time. The time of our exchange coincided with the long winter in Scotland, and it was already dark around 4pm. In addition, the weather is cloudy and cloudy, which is also a great feature. Once I looked out the window in the dormitory, I found that it had gone from raining, to sunny and sunny, to raining merely in an hour. Sometimes when I walking along the road, there was a light rain, but when I found a place to hide, it gets fine. There is also a big feature of the weather in Scotland, which is that the wind is very strong, and it is too large to support the umbrella, because the skeleton of the umbrella can easily break.

2. Scotsman

Northern Scotland, in the eyes of the British, may be rough, or even rude. Maybe it’s the nature of the Scottish people, or maybe just like the northern cities of China. The northern part of the country does not have the brilliance of Jiangnan cities, but it expresses a unique enthusiasm and rough, just like it feels when drinking Scotch.

II.University of Stirling

1. Campus

The University of Stirling campus is the most beautiful place in Scotland, having the steep Mount Ochil, a picturesque forest park of over 300 hectares, the ancient Airthrey Castle, the majestic Wallace Monument and the flocks of birds on Lake Airthrey. In addition, Students' dormitories, studios, laboratories, libraries, and various sports venues are located in the beautiful scenery.

2. Dormitory

Foreign dormitories are very different from domestic ones. They are usually single rooms, and more privacy. The school helped us book a single room. The kitchen is a necessity in the dormitory, so when abroad, Chinese students are usually not too lazy and can become master chefs. In your spare time, you can also try to make cakes, because the oven is also a must-have in foreigners' kitchens.

3. Library

The library of the University of Stirling can be described as the gospel of book lovers. The opening time of the library is from 7 am to midnight. What impressed me most was that printing, copying, and recharging were all self-service, and there were clear operating methods on the wall. This approach has avoided redundant labor and has greatly saved manpower and material resources. The staff of the return office and the organizers of the bookshelves are also composed of students at school, giving many students the opportunity to work hard and study on campus.

4. Teaching mode

The teaching mode in the UK is really very different from that in China.

First of all, the classes are different. Each course is basically carried out in the form of group discussions, and the content taught each week takes a lot of time to read, digest, and prepare, otherwise you may appear a little during the group discussion.

Second, the test mode is different. Although I didn’t take the exam in the UK, I understand from friends that for undergraduate students in the UK. In addition to the exam, there will basically be an essay to be written, with some submitted in the middle of the period, some submitted at the end of the period. In addition, according to the different courses, the usual tests such as quizzes will be added to allow you to continue learning instead of focusing on the end of the stress. Therefore, the lazy learning method continued in the country is totally unworkable here.

Thirdly, the exam is more serious. There are usually three choices for the final exam papers in the United Kingdom. You can choose one of the three questions to do your best. It can be said that it is a test paper that helps you to get your score as much as possible. Cheating in the exam process is absolutely not allowed. Even after the proctor's teacher said that the writing was stopped, if you are still writing to modify your test paper, you may be considered cheating by the proctor. Because they think that what is written after stopping the writing is disrespect to other candidates. No matter what the reason is, you haven't finished it, and the modification after stopping the writing is not allowed.


One month of exchange life has made me gain a lot. Among them, I think the biggest gain after going abroad is that I understand it is rather difficult for a person to live abroad. Everything must be done by myself. Some things can only be truly understood and realized if you have experienced it yourself. Thanks for the helps I got during this period of life, for dear teacher, classmate, and different strangers. This exchange project deeps my love to the Law School and to Shanxi University, and what I want to return to my University is more than a “thanks”. I will try my best to be a great adult, and live up to his cultivation.

冬日暖阳 美好时光







A Good Time in the Warm Winter Sun

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Jia Qi, Undergraduate, Grade 2017,

Student Number: 201700801050

The one-month visit to school was over soon. For the first time, I felt time was precious, but I still have a lot of memories. Regardless of the food there, or the friendly alumni, whether it is traveling in the past, or in a quiet library, people can unconsciously slow down and feel the comfortable and comfortable pace of life. During a month of study and life, I deeply felt that this experience abroad was the most precious wealth in my life. So I am very fortunate that I have this opportunity to not only experience the charm of foreign cultures in person, but also to improve myself under the free and relaxed teaching mode.

Although the time is short, the harvest is full. First of all, English. Although one of the interview conditions is a grade 6 score of 500 or more, but it is still a great challenge for use to a pure English environment for the first time, and even the difficulties appeared in the beginning. In daily communication, it also reflects that the application of English to practice still needs a process. Of course, after a month, oral English and listening have improved a little, basic everyday expressions and chatting are basically able to deal with, and professional courses can gain most of them! Secondly, in daily life, the school is equipped with a single dormitory for each classmate. Every eight or ten people are also equipped with a kitchen, which is well-equipped. Due to the large differences between Western diet and domestic, and it is expensive to eat outside, class later common students showed their skills in the kitchen and prepared meals for themselves. Of course, domestic food is basically available in Chinese supermarkets, but it is much more expensive. On the winter solstice, I bought quick-frozen dumplings from the Chinese Super League, and the moment I ate the dumplings, I suddenly felt the poet Wang Wei: "I am a stranger in a foreign country, and I love my family every holiday season."

The last and most important part is learning. After slowly overcoming language barriers, I began to learn how to adapt to British education. The first is to pay more attention to interaction with students in English education, and to focus on communication and discussion in the classroom. Give full play to the subjective initiative of students in class, and study the content of courses through questions and answers, group discussions, etc. This is very different from our teacher's leadership. Therefore, their own views are particularly important, so does the language skills. The second is that you must preview before class and read the relevant text materials, so the senior siblings will share some materials related to the next course for your reference, so that we can better understand the course content in the classroom, and even only when you have your own unique insights to communicate with the teacher, you can make full use of this lesson. Of course, without the help of seniors and sisters, the ability to obtain information is particularly important. The third is to use everything that can be used to integrate into the local culture as quickly as possible, to better understand their life, learning and culture, and to make full use of time so that you can understand the British lifestyle or etiquette is the only way to not waste this precious opportunity. The fourth is that the school arranged cultural appreciation for us. The first thing I visited was Stirling Castle. In order to let me know more in a short time, I also did some homework in advance. The castle is iconic throughout Scotland and Great Britain. It has witnessed many wars and historical movements in Scottish history. Some people call it "a brooch of Scotland", which fully shows its historical status and importance. Because of this, I was deeply impressed by its architectural style and its historical significance. I also visited places with British characteristics such as the power station, Glencoe, Edinburgh, etc., which also helped us to deeply understand the British history and culture.

Finally, I would like to thank the college once again for providing us with such a rare opportunity, as well as the guidance and care of the teachers of Shanxi University and University of Stirling.




教育的交流也许会影响世界的进程。从历史角度来看,各个国家似乎都有这样的经历。我国的著名法学家史尚宽先生,留学日本、德国、法国,掌握四门语言,归国之后在法学人才极度稀缺的情况下,起草《中华民国民法》。日本,佩里叩关,想要偷渡的吉田松荫虽以失败而告终,但这并没有停止向西方学习的脚步,大量职工的回国,促使日本教育模式、科学技术、生活文化的西方化。而这种情况, 在一个国家迅速发展的过程中,数不胜数。我国教育、经济、环保等各方面仍旧和西方国家存在差距,因此,学习西方先进科技、文化等,并不是晚清时期的专利,现在仍旧有必要将教育与国际接轨的现实基础。









Chasing Dream

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Qi Hongsai, Undergraduate, Grade 2016,

Student Number: 201600801132

The exchange of education may affect the course of the world. From a historical perspective, each country seems to have experienced this. Mr. Shi Shangkuan, a well-known jurist in China, studied in Japan, Germany, and France and mastered four languages. After returning to China, he drafted the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China when the legal talents were extremely scarce. Japan, Perry Tongguan, Yoshida Songyin, who wanted to sneak into Japan, ended in failure, but this did not stop learning from the West, and a large number of international students returned home, which promoted the westernization of Japanese education models, science and technology, and living culture. This situation is innumerable during the rapid development of a country. China's education, economy, environmental protection and other aspects still have gaps with Western countries. Therefore, learning advanced Western technology and culture is not a patent in the late Qing Dynasty. It is still necessary to integrate education with the international reality.

Through the one-month exchange study at the University of Stirling, I learned a lot. After all, the knowledge in books will be used in practice. The opportunity for this exchange is the result of the continuous development of the school and its continuous integration with the international community. At the same time, it is also the result of the continuous development of China's economy and education since the reform and opening up. The opportunity to exchange abroad during the undergraduate period was really amazing. I will talk my experience during the exchanges abroad.

The development of different countries is bound to produce differences in various aspects, mainly cultural differences. From education to food, clothing, housing and transportation, these differences are concretely reflected. However, before going abroad, I just knew that there was a difference, but I didn't know the specific situation. However, this deficiency is truly felt only through hands-on experience. The premise of "advancing in the countryside" is "entry". Without this step, it is difficult to truly understand foreign countries. As a student, there are few opportunities to learn more about the culture of another country. The opportunities offered to students by Shanxi University are really valuable.

I. Language

Language is the bridge of communication. When you learn a language, you learn a culture. Through a month of communication and learning, whether it is a teacher in class or communicating with local people, I deeply feel the importance of language, and the premise of understanding the local culture is also language. With the continuous improvement of China's international status, economic and trade globalization, and the need for educational exchanges between countries, the status of language in education will continue to rise.

II. Learning

China and the United Kingdom have differences between civil law systems and common law systems. It is difficult to gain a deep understanding of local laws simply by accepting knowledge from books. When walking on the streets of various cities, looking at ancient architectures different from those in the country, we have a deeper understanding of legal knowledge. Law is also the product of national spirit, and different histories have produced different cultural environments, resulting in different laws. As the origin of many departmental laws, the United Kingdom has also produced many jurists and lawyers that have an impact on the world. During the one month of communication here, there are many IPs mentioned by teachers. I deeply feel that academic research shall be rigorous and serious.

III. Life

As a student, an important way to learn from home and abroad is the Internet platform. Understanding of foreign countries from Internet platforms is inevitably biased, such as British gentlemen, afternoon tea. Therefore, exchanges abroad can correct biases in foreign perceptions, and broaden your horizons at the same time. The short-term communication time and the adaptation period of the language are destined to learn the details of the professional knowledge in a short period of time, but they can deeply experience the local culture.

他乡远眺 寰宇月同圆




这次交流学习中,一共设置了个人发展、学术英语以及Law Workshop 三门特色课程。各位老师们都十分的风趣幽默且认真负责,在这段时间学习到了很多。


学术英语是针对外国职工专门开设的课程。Ann 老师的风格更为严肃同时我们也学到了更多。虽然在短短一个月的课程当中我们并不能进行大量的知识积累,但Ann老师告诉了我们学习的方法以及学习过程当中需要注意的地方,这些方法和技巧在我整个学习期间都非常有益。

Law Workshop 是一门专业课程,给我们上课的几位老师各有专长,风格迥异但都很平易近人。通过这门课程我们可以了解到斯特灵大学bat365旧网址的专业水平非常高,在注重理论知识积累的同时也十分关注实践技能的提高。我个人最喜欢的就是这门课程,它让我认识到自己的不足和应该努力的方向,让我认识到自己同国际教育要求水平之间的差距。这门课程的学习对我来说是一个非常正向的激励。


在斯特灵大学的生活同在国内高校的生活无疑是十分不同的。最显著不同的就是住宿条件了,斯特灵大学十分注重员工的隐私及生活状态,它为每个员工准备了单人公寓,配备了宽敞的书桌以供学习,宽大舒适的床提供充分的休息,干净整洁的浴室可以让员工照顾好自己。并且在楼层当中配备了厨房,这对员工生活技能是一项很大的考验,同时也有很大提升。在斯特灵大学提高最为明显的可能就是厨艺了。并且在英国员工文化当中最具特色的可能就是派对文化了。同学们通过举办派对来扩大自己的社交圈,和不同文化背景的人交朋友,既开阔了自己的眼界又得到了很好的朋友。在斯特灵大学交流期间我们有幸在苏格兰感受到了圣诞节的节日气氛,并且Grace Wang 老师为我们准备了圣诞节派对,让我们对苏格兰的人文风情有了更进一步的体验和了解。





Looking Out from Other Places,

the Moon is Round All Over the World

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Ren Yixing, Postgraduate, Grade 2019,

Student Number: 201921809004

I. Learning

In this exchange study, a total of three special courses of personal development, academic English and Law Workshop were set up. The teachers are very funny and responsible, and have learned a lot during this time.

Personal development and employment courses are one of the distinctive courses of the University of Stirling. Teacher Eline guides us to learn the skills that employers value in employment, cultivates our teamwork spirit and allows us to learn how to develop and improve ourselves. It will be of great help to our future career development.

Academic English is a special course for foreign students. Ann's style is more serious and we learn more. Although we were not able to accumulate a large amount of knowledge during the course of just one month, Mr. Ann told us the learning methods and the points to pay attention to during the learning process. These methods and skills were very useful throughout my study period.

Law Workshop is a professional course. Several of the teachers who taught us have their own specialties. They have different styles but are very approachable. Through this course, we can understand that the professional level of the University of Stirling Law School is very high. While focusing on the accumulation of theoretical knowledge, it also pays great attention to the improvement of practical skills. My personal favorite is this course. It allows me to recognize my shortcomings and the direction I should work hard. It also allows me to realize the gap between myself and the level of international education requirements. The study of this course was a very positive motivation for me.

II. Life

Life at the University of Stirling is undoubtedly very different from life at a domestic university. The most significant difference is the accommodation conditions. The University of Stirling attaches great importance to the privacy and living conditions of students. It has prepared single apartments for each student, equipped with spacious desks for study, and large comfortable beds to provide sufficient rest. The clean and tidy bathroom allows students to take care of themselves. And equipped with a kitchen in the floor, this is a great test for students' living skills, but also greatly improved. Perhaps the most obvious improvement at Stirling is cooking. And perhaps the most distinctive feature of British student culture is party culture. Classmates expanded their social circles by making parties, and made friends with people from different cultural backgrounds, which broadened their horizons and got good friends. During the exchange at the University of Stirling, we were fortunate to feel the festive atmosphere of Christmas in Scotland, and Mr. Grace Wang prepared a Christmas party for us, allowing us to have a further experience and understanding of Scotland's humanities.

III. Culture

Stirling is a very friendly town, and it is very popular with foreigners. Since we need to cook by ourselves, we may have some contact with locals in supermarkets and streets while purchasing cooking materials. In the supermarket we met an old man who was very interested in Chinese culture and discussed the history and role of the Great Wall of China with us; in the shopping mall, we met friendly service staff to facilitate our service. My most intuitive feeling is respect for everyone, regardless of occupation, regardless of gender. Everyone will say hello and goodbye to the driver when taking the bus. When they encounter a scavenger on the road, they will smile and give a simple greeting. Everything is human. During Christmas, there will also be some performers on the street. The various performance forms are very eye-catching, and the pedestrians give them their support.

All in all, the University of Stirling is a very suitable university for studying. The beautiful scenery cannot be described by words, and the photos are less than one-third of the reality. The professional level is first-class, and we can give us professional guidance and study. Study life fits perfectly.









Dreaming & Forwarding

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Yan Xulian , Postgraduate, Grade 2019,

Student Number: 201921811030

The winter of 2019 is a very special winter for me. With the support of schools and colleges, 30 students in our law school grabbed the tail of December and started a 30-day Stirling visit. After a long flight and a turn around, we arrived at this beautiful university.

I remember when we got off the plane, we experienced the "rain" of Britain. The contrast with Taiyuan's climate makes this feeling of coming to Scotland exceptionally clear. Under Mr. Wang's leadership, we finally reached the school. Here we have experienced the most beautiful university campus in the UK.

First, let me talk about my learning gains during this month. In this month in the UK, there are two parts that make me feel the deepest in my studies. The first is small class teaching. Because the undergraduate teaching in our school is a large group lecture teaching, in the classroom, the teacher can not pay attention to the knowledge of each student, so students may have many questions after class, but because the teacher ’s time is limited, If these questions cannot be answered in a timely manner, these questions will continue to accumulate, and students will eventually lose interest in this course, and eventually, the teaching effect will be difficult to reach the desired level. However, I really felt the charm of small class teaching in this month's communication life. From the perspective of students, small class teaching can actively mobilize students' participation, and each student has the opportunity to ask questions and interact with the teacher. Secondly, from the perspective of teacher teaching, teachers can adopt different methods to develop classroom teaching, which can fully find out the problems of each student and adjust the teaching content in time. This flexible teaching method allows teachers and students to better disseminate knowledge in mutual promotion. Second: critical thinking. This is the word I hear most often in Stirling. This critical thinking is very important for our students, because the benefits of this way of thinking are life-long. So now, whether in study or in life, I think critically about things.

The second is the direct feelings in life. We cook and eat ourselves in the dormitory, and we choose the ingredients we need to cook ourselves in the supermarket. All this is fresh for our students. In this series of activities, we must solve all possible problems and make certain plans in advance and do some related strategies. Not only that, in this process, we must also learn to get along with others, handle the interpersonal shutdown around us, and cultivate our teamwork ability and teamwork awareness. This experience is very necessary for my future work. In addition, we also experienced the local Christmas atmosphere in Scotland and watched the New Year's fireworks, all of which were precious to me. Under the arrangement of the teacher, we also took a train to different cities and felt the different charms between the cities, such as, the quaint Glasgow, cosmopolitan Edinburgh, and the beautiful seaside town of Dundee. In different cities, we experience different cultures, broaden our horizons, and experience wonderful hard-won experiences.

This experience is unforgettable and profound. In my first year as a graduate student, I received such a special gift. This is not only a gift from the school, but also a kind of ability in all aspects of my promotion. In short, thanks to all the teachers and classmates on this trip, this trip is even more special with your company. I believe that one day in the future, I will still think of these lovely friends inadvertently.












离别的前夕恰逢苏格兰的各色节日,从圣诞节到Boxing Day,从Torchlight ProcessionHogmonay Festival,节日的喜悦呼之欲出。即使是白天甚短,阳光稀缺的冬季,苏格兰人们依然能每天面带笑容喜气洋洋,各种庆典活动热闹的可爱。节日来临,吃一口苏格兰特色美味Haggis,饮一杯冒着气泡的威士忌,与家人友人共度美好时光,倒数十秒迎来2020年,烟花盛放,在这里许下对来年的愿望期冀。



Future is Promising

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Zhang Shiyue, Undergraduate, Grade 2018,

Student Number: 201800801192

In the last month of 2019, I was extremely lucky to catch its tail and go to University of Stirling for a four-week exchange study with the strong support of Shanxi University and its law school. All of these seem to be in a beautiful dream, but it also makes people intoxicated and unwilling to ask for the return date.

The first impression o fStirling remained in the few words outlined in some books, but it was not until stepping on this completely strange land that I then realized how pale and powerless the words were compared with them.

The longer you live here, the clearer you will be that what this ancient city brings to people is far more than that. Stirling tells a long and slightly sad story, bearing the changeable history and endless cultural imprints, so it has become a part of people's life for a long time.

Maybe it's the magnificent mountains in the distant Highlands, or the misty lake under the dormitory building. Thousands of miles away, when I came to University of Stirling, I was fascinated and attracted by it.

Different from domestic teaching, University of Stirling strives to expand students' thinking and fully stimulate students' discussion and communication with teachers in various courses by inspiring teaching. University of Stirling encourages all students to express and speak, think repeatedly on a topic, and gradually develop critical thinking. It also cultivates a new seedling for the future formation of its own unique learning method through the contact and experience of different teaching styles.

University of Stirling is close to the mountain and near the water, living together with nature. Although visiting in winter, the night is long and the day is short, and the weather is cold, it is not boring at all.

After class, we often came to the lake and tore off a piece of bread and threw it into the lake. Before the bread broke the calm lake and circled layers of ripples, groups of swans and ducks rushed to the lake, competing and flashing, attracting birds in the distance. For a while, they became the most lively place on the lake.

Sometimes, our Chinese stomach, which is deeply missing its hometown, can't be completely satisfied in the canteen and restaurant, so we cooperate with friends and cook by ourselves. Go to the market to purchase and return when the sun sets. Cut and stir fry in the kitchen. Then all kinds of delicious dishes will be put on the table, and we eat together. A delicious with multiple satisfaction. The smell of food passes through the window and people who passes the kitchen can smell the delicious food of various countries. With a smile, the next meal will be settled. Let go of the complicated and trivial things, and everything is beyond expressions.

The days before we left coincided with all kinds of festivals in Scotland. From Christmas to Boxing Day, from Torchlight Processing to Hogmanay Festival, the joy of the festival is coming out. Even in the winter when the days are very short and the sun is scarce, people in Scotland can still smile every day and enjoy all kinds of celebrations. When the festival comes, take a sip of Haggis, a glass of sparkling whiskey, spend a good time with your family and friends. People count down to 2020, fireworks in full bloom, here to make a wish for the next year.

Four weeks of exchange time, not very short, but in the UK, I just feel that time flies by. We got to know excellent and enthusiastic teachers and friends, learned from the Common Law system, and fully appreciated the exotic customs. It seems to be a place that people cannot but miss after leaving.

On the night when I left Edinburgh Airport and arrived in Beijing, I wrote in my diary: Stirling, a place I had just left and already began to miss, on the long and idle flight, I opened my mobile photo album and looked over yesterday's silhouette, thinking of the city in my dream.

笃行致远 砥砺前行





上课部分,课程安排主要有个人发展培训、学术英语和法学专业课的讲座。通过这几门课程的学习,体验到了国外不同于国内的上课方式,讨论式教学,老师授课以员工为主,老师的作用在于启发员工的自主思考,培养员工的自主思维能力。批判性思考是老师教学的重点,每节课老师都会准备好几个讨论的问题,让同学们从各个角度提炼出自己的观点,清晰表达并说明理由。另外,斯特灵大学的教学强调小组合作,小组讨论,注重团队精神。老师们上课也非常热情,对我们十分耐心。考虑到我们的英文水平,老师们特意放慢语速,告诉我们听不懂的可以随时举手提问。Grace Wang老师还带领我们前往Engine ShedCruachan Power Station分别听取了关于苏格兰气候变化与立法和发电站的讲座,进一步了解了一些专业的知识。





Go Far and Forge Ahead

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Zhang Xuqin, Postgraduate, Grade 2019,

Student Number: 201921805010

From December 6, 2019 to January 3, 2020, a total of 30 undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral students from Shanxi University Law School conducted a one-month exchange study at the University of Stirling in the United Kingdom. In a blink of an eye, one month of communication and study came to an end. Thinking back to this time in Stirling, I learned a lot and was filled with emotion.

This inter-school exchange is divided into three parts: lectures, culture, and life.

In the class part, the course schedule mainly includes personal development training, academic English and law courses. Through the study of these courses, I have experienced different teaching methods in foreign countries than in China, which is the discussion-based teaching. Teachers teach mainly students. The role of teachers is to inspire students to think autonomously and to cultivate students' independent thinking ability. Critical thinking is the focus of the teacher's teaching. In each lesson, the teacher will prepare several questions for discussion, so that students can refine their views from various angles, express clearly and explain the reasons. In addition, University of Stirling's teaching emphasizes group cooperation, group discussion, and team spirit. The teachers were very enthusiastic and were very patient with us. Taking into account our English level, the teachers deliberately slowed down and told us that those who could not understand could raise their hands to ask questions at any time. Mr. Grace Wang also led us to Engine Shed and Cruachan Power Station to listen to lectures on Scottish climate change and legislation and power stations, and further learned some professional knowledge.

In the cultural part, we visited the University of Stirling and experienced the beautiful campus environment and inclusive campus culture. We also visited the Stirling Castle and the Wallace Monument and felt the strong atmosphere of Scotland history. In Glasgow and Edinburgh, we have more experienced different architectural styles, various churches, urban prosperity, unique food and so on. On the way to Granco, I saw beautiful landscapes, special terrain and vegetation. Snow mountains and lakes complement each other, reflecting blue sky and white clouds, like a fairyland on earth. In addition, we also participated in Christmas and New Year's Eve events in Scotland and heard the performance of the characteristic Scottish bagpipes.

For the living part, we tasted some of the specialties here. However, most of the time we share a car and go to the supermarket to buy ingredients and cook our own meals. The University of Stirling's accommodation environment is also superb. The dormitory is a single room, and a public kitchen and cleaning tools are provided next to it, which provides convenient conditions for everyone's life. In the spare time, we will stroll around the campus, admire the beautiful scenery of Sida, or take bread to feed the ducks and cygnets, and they will eat happily every time.

For me, one of the benefits of this exchange activity was to experience the class form here, different ways to inspire students' thinking, and provided a good reference for me to learn how to think about problems later. The second benefit is that I have exercised my English level in daily communication, although there is still a lot of room for improvement. This also made me more clearly recognize my shortcomings, and I will make more targeted efforts to make up for my shortcomings and improve my English. The third benefit is that I learned to cook. Although not very delicate, I can at least solve my three meals a day with my own hands. I also felt the joy of cooking in the process.

Finally, I am very grateful to Shanxi University for this opportunity to exchange and learn, and to thank the teachers of University of Stirling for everything they have done for us. We will fully apply this learning experience to our future study life and live up to the expectations of our teachers.

读万卷书 行万里路








Learn & Live

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Wang Ting, Undergraduate, Grade 2017,

Student Number: 201700801148

It's been a while since I left the UK and returned to China. Adjusting to the time difference, I still feel that this month-long trip to the UK is like a dream, but it really happened. With a myriad of emotions in my heart, I will use this article to express my feelings and thoughts.

Start with life in Stirling. I have to say the accommodation at University of Stirling is fantastic, with a single room with bath, desk, bookcase and wardrobe. There are also large communal kitchens and dining rooms where we can cook and eat. When it comes to eating, although we also go to the school canteen to eat after class every day, in view of the high consumption in the school canteen and the differences in eating habits, most of us still choose to buy ingredients from the supermarket and cook in the kitchen by ourselves. This is also an exercise for each of us to live independently. My cooking ability has improved a lot in the past month. But now that we're in England, now that we're in Scotland, we've certainly tasted a lot of English food. Fish and chips, Christmas lunch, chicken tacos, sandwiches, etc. And the British coffee culture, the ubiquitous COSTA. And bar culture, you can find all kinds of bars everywhere. We also tasted the English afternoon tea, served with dessert, which was very special. We did not treat ourselves badly in food. We also brought home a lot of biscuits, candies and chocolates. Walk to the bridge in front of the dormitory building to go to class and to the library. Or running along the lake, watching the wild swans in the water, all the routines of life become familiar with the passage of time. Coming to University of Stirling is like being in nature. The beautiful campus environment provides students here with a quiet learning atmosphere. As the saying goes, "the mind is like water without wind and water without water."

The next thing that impressed me most was the learning aspect. As we all know, the way of teaching in Britain is very different from that in China. In China, it is mainly teaching by indoctrination. It is usually taught by the teacher. Students take notes while listening. But at University of Stirling, we have seen the benefits of small classes and interactive teaching. Teacher in class is very pay attention to our students have really to understand and to master relevant knowledge, and requires that all students are divided into groups for group discussion to the problem, and then their opinions, fully communication, in order to deepen understanding, the teacher's role is to guide students in accordance with a certain way of thinking, and is responsible for the answer to the students. After a class will feel full of harvest, very meaningful. At the same time, the personal development training course offered by University of Stirling is also very practical. This course is to help students to conduct effective career guidance, send resumes, interview, find the right job. This course can help students improve their employ ability, which is very important. We learned a lot of skills and felt very fulfilled. Besides, the academic English course is very interesting. The teacher would prepare a topic for us to discuss in every class. She would point out the inaccuracies of our expressions in the process of our speech and guide us to think constantly. Through this series of courses, we also learn more about British society, culture and customs, and break the stereotype of Britain. Through so many rich courses, we have mastered the knowledge, to know humorous and knowledgeable British teachers, this experience is very meaningful.

Finally, I'd like to talk about some extracurricular activities. We spent part of the weekend in the surrounding city of Stirling. Go shopping in Glasgow, visit the Arthurian throne in Edinburgh, the national gallery of Scotland, the national museum of Scotland, and visit the grand canyon in the Scottish highlands. Every scenic spot has left our footprints, we are worth the trip.

Having spent Christmas and ushered in the New Year in the UK during this month, I believe it is not only 2019, but also a very happy and precious memory in life. Hope to come to Stirling again!








A Journey about Difference

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Ding Yating, Undergraduate, Grade 2016,

Student Number: 201600801117

On December 7 we arrived at University of Stirling and spent nearly a month studying and living there. During this period of one month, I have experienced a different study, it cannot be said to be very different, there are similarities and differences. At the same time, we also appreciated the unique scenery of Scotland, broadened our horizons and enriched ourselves, looking back on that time, l also have some of my own experience.

During that month, the school arranged a wealth of courses, including language and professional classes and employment guidance classes. Each course was well designed, in terms of difficulty and the connection between the course and course, and also taking into account the degree of our acceptance. Every teacher is very friendly, and even as the time was approaching for the Christmas holiday, they were still teaching in a responsible and serious manner. They also introduced us to something interesting about Stirling and the interesting places in Scotland. In the last class, the students also presented the teachers gifts from the Shanxi University, and the two sides formed a good relationship. In order to adapt us to the life of Stirling, we had a language class, which was also helpful to the study of our professional class. Another special course is the employment guidance class, the teacher was very good at the classroom atmosphere, would use some small games to achieve the purpose of a certain class. In the teaching of professional courses, mainly lectures, many interactive contents were interspersed between the courses, you can see that the teacher prepared a lot for this. Each lecture only covered a specific aspect, so the time of one lesson will only be discussed around this issue, this way is more conducive to deepen our understanding and impression. All in all, during this month's study, I learned more about the local culture and the teaching methods of University of Stirling, and I was impressed by the last language lesson, the teacher gave us a passage of English material, the main content of which is "the difference between English, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and British culture", perhaps the cultural phenomenon we often refer to only belongs to England or Scotland or Wales, Northern Ireland, but not the whole UK. If we don't come here to exchange and study, we may not know this phenomenon. Therefore, the continuous communication between countries is relatively necessary, in order to truly understand the different cultures, communication is an important way to eliminate misunderstanding, one of the important ways of inter-state communication is to send students to study and communicate with each other between schools, and to make students become the messenger of cultural communication.

This month, in addition to learning activities, but also arranged a number of extracurricular activities to experience the scenery of Scotland. For example, Glencoe grand Canyon, the highlands of Scotland, are all the uniquely Scottish landscapes.

Like Pingyao ancient city of Shanxi and Qiao family courtyard with the unique sense of history belong to this region.Not far from the University of Stirling stands the Wallace Monument. In the free days, we can climb with several classmates to appreciate William Wallace's brave heart. Every region's culture has a unique attraction, just as our Chinese or Shanxi culture is also full of attraction to foreigners, which is the charm of culture!

思维之激荡 学术之盛宴









The Excitement of Thinking and

the Feast of Academics

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Chen Wanzhu, Ph.D. ,Grade 2019,

Student Number: 201911812001

With the support of Shanxi University, we are fortunate to have a short-term exchange study at the University of Stirling, UK, from December 6, 2019, to January 2, 2020. During the period of in-depth exchanges at the University of Stirling, we have greatly improved our study and life and gained a deeper understanding of Scottish culture.

After four weeks of study, I mainly talk about the improvement of our learning and thinking mode during this time. We have a preliminary understanding of the basic curriculum, teaching content and methods of the University of Stirling, and have gained a lot in academic thinking through special thinking training.

The University of Stirling has a wide range of courses, with more than 160 elective courses for students to choose, and the content of the course is both practical and theoretical. Especially the career planning course, we took a two-week career planning course and gained a new understanding of career planning. The entire process from self-assessment, market demand and the docking and interview between the two were explained in detail, and simulated in the classroom.

As far as its teaching model is concerned, it is mainly based on small class teaching and group teaching. In small class teaching, the teaching teacher is not a traditional professor, but more importantly a guide. We have higher participation in the classroom, a stronger subjective initiative, and a deeper understanding of knowledge. At the same time, the teacher can teach according to his aptitude, and provide targeted counseling. Each class homework teacher will seriously review and have different solutions to different problems. The test of group teaching mode is more about group cooperation ability. Domestic group teaching mode is also more common, but for various reasons, it has not been effective. During the class at the University of Stirling, the group teaching model is very common. The teacher will go deep into the discussion topics of each group, analyze and summarize the views of each member of each group, and then mobilize the learning atmosphere of the entire group. Not just theoretical discussions, but also group practice activities and theoretical simulation activities. After teaching the theoretical viewpoints, there will be group practice activities in the classroom, which can materialize the theoretical viewpoints, students can better understand the theory, and will deeply feel various problems that may arise in practice.

As far as thinking patterns are concerned, what touches me most is the critical and concrete thinking in the learning process. Critical thinking is not the cognitive world of perceptual rumors, nor is it just a kind of negative thinking. It also has creative and constructive abilities-it can give more alternative explanations for one thing, and think about the results of research. Meaning, and can use the acquired new knowledge to solve social and personal problems, and see the problem from a unified and unified perspective. In terms of concrete behavior, it is more logical. After a period of study, I have realized the "inverse model" from shallow to deep, and from macro to micro. The thinking has been greatly improved, and for the future Academic research provided some help.

In just one month of study and life, we have learned a lot, and we have a deep understanding of all aspects of the University of Stirling. From the campus environment to the school teaching, everything is shocking. Thanks for Shanxi University and University of Stirling that giving us this opportunity to broaden our horizons and see more of the world. We also thank all the teachers and students who have done a lot of things for our project.





首先,要感谢bat365在线登录入口在背后的支持和付出,有母校在背后做我们坚强的后盾才有我们这次交流项目的成功。也要感谢在背后默默付出的各位老师,尹老师、庞老师、Grace Wang老师以及bat365旧网址的各位老师,本次交流活动的顺利完成与各位老师的辛勤付出是分不开的。



斯特灵大学的课堂也给我们带来了很多很多全新的体验。出国之前的我认为国外大学的课堂是很轻松简单的,当我真的在斯特灵大学开始上课,便有了彻底的改观。这里的课堂气氛虽然很随意轻松,但是课堂参与度很高,每个人的积极性都被调动了起来,主动参与到课堂讨论中来。大家在对问题的讨论中共同实现对问题的深入探讨,这样的课堂给人留下了极其深刻的印象,让每个人都从课堂里收获颇多。在法学的专业课堂上,这样的体会更是深刻,老师带我们以小组为单位从名词概念入手进行讨论,循序渐进,让我们对国际商事仲裁有了更为全面深刻的理解。斯特灵大学独特的Personal Development Training课程中,老师让我们意识到自己拥有的和需要加强的技能,让我们在将来的求职和工作过程中更加自信。


Meeting the Mission and

Unremitting Struggling

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Ma Yuan, Postgraduate, Grade 2018,

Student Number: 201821809006

The exchanging experience in the University of Stirling was a very precious time in my life. In just one month, my heart went from the dread of getting on a plane in early December to the dread of leaving in early January, this month has given me so much experience and growth.

First of all, thanks to Shanxi University for the support and pay, who as our strong backing and makes it possible for us to have success in this exchange program. We also want to thank the teachers for their pay, Mrs. Yin, Mr. Pang, and Grace Wang and the teachers from law school, the successful completion of this exchange activity and the hard work of teachers is inseparable.

When I first arrived at the University of Stirling, I was most impressed by the beautiful environment. The scenery is beautiful, the air is fresh, and there are all kinds of animals that can be seen frequently. The incomparable beautiful environment makes studying here a kind of enjoyment, when studying pressure is heavy, walking on campus will help your mood become very good. I really hope that the air and environment in Taiyuan will be so good one day.

In addition to the natural environment, a more intuitive feeling is the well-developed infrastructure here. In particular, the University of Stirling's dormitories has comfortable beds, spacious desks, and clean en suite bathrooms, as well as a convenient communal kitchen, all of which make life easier for students. There are also facilities for the disabled everywhere, such as barrier-free access and electric door buttons, where the disabled can get in and out of the University of Stirling, which reflecting a strong humanistic concern.

The class at the university of Stirling also brought us many new experiences. Before I went abroad, I thought classes at foreign universities were very easy, and when I actually started learning at the university of Stirling, it was a complete change. Although the classroom atmosphere here is very casual and relaxed, the classroom participation is very high, everyone's enthusiasm has been mobilized, actively participate in the classroom discussion. We discuss the problem in the collective realization of the deep discussion of the problem, such a lesson left a very deep impression, let everyone in the classroom gain a lot. In the professional course of law, this experience is more profound, the teacher took us as a group to start from the concept of nouns discussion, step by step, let us have a more comprehensive and profound understanding of international commercial arbitration. In the university of Stirling's unique Personal Development Training course, a teacher makes us aware of the skills we have and the skills we need to strengthen, which will make us more confident in our future job searching and career path.

In a short month, we have got a comprehensive understanding of British culture. Stirling has a long history, both British and Scottish Cultural Customs, as a destination for exchange projects, Stirling allows us to experience both the rich historical culture and advanced modern civilization. In this month, we have learned many things under the unfamiliar environment, for example, independent cooking, independent living, completely use English to communicate with foreigners, reasonable arrange our personal affairs and team affairs, and so on. It is not only our English level that has been improved, but also our ability to work as a team and to live independently. These experiences will benefit us in life. Thanks again to Shanxi University for providing us with this rare opportunity.

同气连枝 共盼春来















20191217日的英语课上,我学习了如何进行学术写作与识别文章的类型与风格,首先,尽量避免主观性的词语,如:Avoid "I" in essays,避免在文章中使用I作为主语,因为一般在作文中,我们不推荐使用I作为主语来描述内容,而是选择第三人称作为主语来描述信息和表述观点,也就是接近正式的用语。其次,使用关联词使文章更有逻辑,安老师对于文化差异即当地人的生活、教育环境以及对于中国的印象也进行了详细的解答。

接下来的一段时间里,我们迎来了圣诞节和新年元旦,我们于20191223日进行了结业典礼,bat365旧网址经理David为我们颁发了结业证书。苏格兰的圣诞节于20191225日开始,在圣诞午宴上,有来自世界上不同国家的国际员工以及国际交流学院的Zhuang Lee经理,大家欢聚一堂,共同庆祝这个对于西方人来说无比重要的节日。


Branching Together and Hoping for Spring

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Zhang Xuan, Undergraduate, Grade 2016,

Student Number: 201600801016

Time flies, years pass. In an instant, Shanxi University's visit to the University of Stirling was successfully concluded. These achievements are inseparable from the support and encouragement of the leaders of the college, as well as the careful cooperation of teachers and students. The University of Stirling is a shining star located on the land of Scotland, and Shanxi University is a university with deep historical heritage. I have lived here for nearly four years, and I am always lamented by the decay and decline of the campus. The exchange and cooperation between Shanxi University and University of Stirling is an input of new teaching concepts and an output of the traditional culture of Shanxi. Students can also use this opportunity to open up international horizons.

We had a farewell party on December 5, 2019, in which our headmaster Mr. Zhou delivered thought-provoking remarks. Although there have been several teachers giving their lives before this, they must be careful when going out and pay attention to safety, but they are not very sure about the gains of our trip. I have been thinking about the purpose and mission of this trip ... until Mr. Zhou clarified that what we got abroad was a broader vision, a more flexible and critical way of thinking; I think this is probably the ability we most needed now. I firmly believe that a person's achievements are not only reflected in his or her academic qualifications, but also in his or her ability and vision. Sometimes, from a different perspective, you can indeed find your strengths and weaknesses. I think this is a gift from Shanxi University. As a fresh graduate, after four years of studying law, I still find that I am just looking at the threshold of law. I have never thought about the deeper meaning it brings to me. Knowledge may be a key that opens a door, but the vast world of knowledge is sometimes confusing, and intelligent thinking is essential at this time.

The principal also gave us an analysis of the weak position of Shanxi University in cooperating with foreign exchanges. Therefore, we are bound to carry out missions. This is the scene where I can't help but remember the visit of beloved Premier Zhou Enlai to Geneva. Although our travel is not enough to meet the standards of national foreign affairs visits. But if you think about it, our trip is a reflection of the image of the country at a micro-level, and a demonstration of the quality and style of students at Shanxi University at a micro-level. Mission is inherited again! Watching Shanxi's energy economy and continuously reforming its horizons and patterns will inject heart-strengthening agents into Shanxi's future.

Immediately afterward, Mr. Yin launched a detailed introduction to the recent arrangements of the University of Stirling. Thanks for teachers that so many thoughtful arrangements! Gradually, I began to look forward to strolling on the campus of the University of Stirling, to experience a classroom model which is different from our domestic teaching and future partners.

At 11:50 on December 6, 2019, we all took a bus to Taiyuan Wusu Airport in front of the school union, and leaders and teachers saw us off. Loaded with the beautiful vision of Shanxi University, we set off! The itinerary is arranged like this, we first go to Beijing Capital International Airport T2 Terminal, take the airport transfer to T3 Terminal, and go through the check-in procedures. At this time, people of all skin colors are in sight, and there are beautiful stewardesses wearing gauze caps.

Late at night, we boarded the plane to Doha. The flight attendants were lovely and beautiful. They were probably Qatari. I chatted with the big brother sitting around me: he is from Chengdu and went to work in Iraq ... the air was filled with air in Arabian style. The dishes on board were quite rich, and the captain spoke English with Arabic flavor, which was a bit puzzling. Listening to Aladdin music, I am gradually falling asleep ...

At 5:30 AM of December 7, 2019, we arrived in Doha, the capital of Qatar. According to reports, the 2022 FIFA World Cup will be held here. At this time, Doha was still in the dark. We transited to the airport and headed to Edinburgh at 7.50 local time. We got on the plane to see the full picture of Doha. Like Dubai, it is a city surrounded by desert for three weeks and facing the sea. The seawater is also discolored, with Prussian blue on the periphery and green on the lake.

After an 8-hour trip, we arrived at Edinburgh Airport. After investigations by border officials, we welcomed by two welcoming ambassadors, Tom, Liu Ying and Grace Wang from the University of Stirling. Special thanks to the University of Stirling for its thoughtful snack pack and campus map. Everyone is very enthusiastic! Grace Wang carefully instructed us to learn and communicate in daily life and study in Stirling. Liu helped us a lot in registering personal information. Although Tom is a foreigner, he does not understand the deeper meaning of Chinese. Words like "thank you", although everyone will say "thank you" along the way, many foreigners don't know what it means. Grace Wang told us that we will visit the local energy station to understand the energy-related legal system ... In the evening, we registered the student information, returned to the dormitory, and found the castle in the rain. Immediately afterwards, the teachers led us to the department stores and supermarkets of Stirling Centre to buy daily necessities. Everyone took full advantage of the kitchen and started fancy cooking.

December 10, 2019 was a sunny day, the sky is very clear and cloudless. At 9:00 in the morning, we gathered at the school's library for student registration, but unfortunately, because the photos have not been uploaded for more than two days, the Student Center could not handle our information. we made a campus tour, and walked into the grass and trees, every building and creature. we feed the swans and seagulls. We also know the plants on the campus: alpine rhododendron, yew. These were all tree species collected in China! We also visited the Sports Center of the University of Stirling. The campus covers a large area. The school attaches great importance to the construction of sports facilities and the training of athletes. There are more than 40 sports venues, such as tennis, hockey, football, swimming.

On December 11, 2019, we took the first professional course, which was taught by Ms Chen Cheng. The name of this course is China's role in global investment. Dr. Chen explained the bilateral investment agreement as the mainline, and also asked us many questions. The teaching method of University of Stirling is very novel, but in this professional class, I found that I have many professional terms that are not very understand, such as the differences between the FET and Bit bilateral conventions, China’s history and key events as an ODI and IDI, these are from an international perspective, explaining the nature of China’s internal and external investment, which is different from previous domestic classroom teaching models. The class can truly feel the international perspective of the law, rather than being tied to a province or a country; Dr. Chen introduced us to the framework of bilateral investment agreements between Uzbekistan and China, Finland and China, the Vienna Convention and the FET; Wang Nongchao also showed the results. He introduced domestic outbound investment legislation. Of course, the first legal discussion group also found many of our shortcomings. I hope that we can be more confident and make more bold attempts!

We all went to Stirling Castle on December 14, 2019, it was really a pleasant experience! The supervisor introduced us to Stirling Castle, located on a 77-meter-high cliff in Stirling' s old Town. It was once the royal palace of the King of Scotland. Queen Mary Scots and King James VI, who are important in British history, also lived in this castle. The castle is iconic throughout Scotland and Great Britain. It has witnessed many wars and historical movements in Scottish history. Some people call it "a brooch of Scotland", which fully shows its historical status and importance.

In the 12th century, Stirling Castle was a very famous royal castle. In Scottish history, whether it is a story about war and peace or a story about imperial power, many are related to this castle. Without this castle, there would not have been the battle of the famous Stirling Bridge that Wallace commanded here in 1297.

In the English class on December 17, 2019, I learned how to write academically and identify the type and style of the article. First, try to avoid subjective words, such as: Avoid "I" in essays. As the subject, because generally in the composition, we do not recommend using I as the subject to describe the content. Instead, we choose a third person to call the subject to describe the information and express the point of view, which is close to formal terms. Secondly, the use of related words makes the article more logical. Teacher An also gave detailed answers about cultural differences, local life, the educational environment and the impression of China.

In the following period, we ushered in Christmas and New Year's Day. On December 23, 2019, we held a closing ceremony. David, the dean of the law school, gave us a certificate of completion. Christmas in Scotland begins on December 25, 2019. At the Christmas lunch, there were international students from other countries and Mr Zhuang Lee of the School of International Exchange. We all gathered together to celebrate this important festival.

My biggest gains from this trip have been a more confident and optimistic mentality, the ability to deal with daily life and complex problems and a critical thinking style. When traveling, we are a team that requires collective discipline and unity. Through this exchange program, we all have a deeper understanding of Western culture and history, especially the customs of Scotland and the teaching style of the university of Stirling. More importantly, we have gained a friendship. This is the first step in establishing a friendly and cooperative relationship between Shanxi University and the university of Stirling!

新的视野 新的征程










New Horizon and New Journey

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Dong Xiaorui, Undergraduate, Grade 2016,

Student Number: 201600801027

In December 2019, I had the opportunity to attend a one-month exchange program at the University of Stirling, which gave me an opportunity to go abroad, experience the Foreign University Law School's study pattern, simultaneously also has come into contact with the colorful British culture, the opportunity is very rare, therefore feels cherishes. During the whole study process, while I worked very hard and successfully to complete my studies, I improved my English level, learned relevant professional knowledge, increased my knowledge, broadened my horizons and updated my concepts, and achieved great gains, I learned a lot from it.

First of all, the faculty at university of Stirling has brought us not only professional courses, but also a characteristic course of University of Stirling——Personal development training. So that we not only learn professional knowledge, but also understand and improve our vocational skills and employability. Second, in the course, the University of Stirling uses small class teaching, and we interact with the teacher a lot, which is also helpful for the teacher to find out our problems in the study, and then give us accurate suggestions for improvement. The teacher also teaches a course differently. Sometimes in class, the teacher will lead us to think through a game. The class atmosphere is always very happy and lively. Courses at university of Stirling are practical, mainly language courses, professional courses, and career guidance courses. The curriculum is innovative and gives us a lot of new concepts and skills, and it also gives us a lot of inspiration for our future study. Finally, the British cultural exchange arranged in the course is very impressive, Grace teacher took us to visit Edinburgh, Glasgow, Glencoe. It is better to learn if you understand British culture. These cultural exchanges give us a detailed understanding of British culture in the field. The curriculum is very interesting and impressive.

Experience and feel: It's a lucky thing to come to the UK for the first time, this is a country with deep culture, I feel I have gained so much in these 28 days of studying and living here. First of all, as a senior student, from this short-term exchange program, I learned the knowledge of professional courses, improve my English, the most important thing is to form critical thinking. In the face of a problem, be able to look at the problem in comprehensively and completely, maintain my own judgment, do not go in agreement with others. I also learned to work together, in group activities, to listen to the views of others, mutual understanding, a team working toward the same goal. Secondly, the British teacher’s serious, rigorous academic attitude is also very worthy for us to learn. They give lectures in a clear way, many of the complex content through the explanation let us feel easy to understand, but also rigorous. Third, the classroom teaching method in the UK is flexible and diverse. It is designed with the students' needs and levels as the center. The classroom is full of fun and can impress the students with the knowledge they have learned. Finally, the school management is also very standard, from classroom teaching to the library and dormitory are students-centered, for our learning to provide great convenience.

Finally, thanks again to Shanxi University, Shanxi University law school to give us this rare opportunity. I treasure my 28 days in the UK and spend every day with a full harvest. Although the time is not long, it is enough to let me broaden my horizons, to understand the situation of law study in foreign universities, learned a lot of useful learning methods, cultivate new thinking, which is very valuable. In the future study, I will learn the knowledge skills and professional knowledge combination, in the study of the full application. I will also exchange more feelings and experiences with other students in this exchange program. It is believed that with the joint efforts of Shanxi University Law School and International Exchange College, Shanxi University's international exchange work will develop better and better.

不辱使命 不懈奋斗













Meeting the Mission and

Unremitting Struggling

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Gao Qi, Undergraduate, Grade 2016,

Student Number: 201600801051

2019 is an extraordinary year. Thanks to the joint efforts of teachers from the university and the college, we embarked on a month-long exchange trip to the university of Stirling. As for the university, this is the prelude of the Sino-foreign cooperative education of Shanxi University. Personally, this is a big surprise for me from my Alma mater in the last year of my undergraduate study. Of course, it is also the responsibility and mission. For the first time, I have truly combined my personal development with the development of the school. With the trust of the school, I have crossed many mountains and rivers and deeply felt the great responsibility and glorious mission.

Four weeks of study time is not long, but every day there are harvest and surprise.

I.Meet Stirling for the First Time

"The water is bright and clear, the mountain is empty and the rain is also strange", the poem praising the west lake to describe the scenery of the university of Stirling, is also so fit. Stirling is a beautiful city. University of Stirling is a beautiful campus. It is built around a lake, where there are elegant swans and beautiful water-birds. Rain or shine, you can walk around the campus and feel the beauty of man and nature.

II.Study in Stirling

At the beginning of the class, I was worried about my English level. Although I had been learning English, I seldom took classes in an all-English environment. Later, I found that the teacher was very considerate and slowed down the pace of speaking and made progress step by step to help us get familiar with English teaching. Teachers pay attention to guidance and turn obscure problems into familiar ones. Although legal courses are difficult, they can still participate in the interaction with teachers in class and complete group tasks after adaptation. Critical thinking is the main mode of thinking I learned at University of Stirling. Teachers will guide us to think about many aspects of the problem, this way of thinking will have a great effect on our study. The classrooms of Shanxi University and the university of Stirling have their characteristics and advantages, which also creates conditions for the cooperation between the two universities.

III.Walk in Stirling

The learning exchange included some cultural Tours. We followed our teacher to the grand canyon of Glencoe, the weather bureau, the power station, and marveled at the beauty of the snow-capped mountains, as well as the wisdom of the human race. Walking in the streets of Stirling, you can see ancient buildings everywhere. The old Stirling castle is quiet and calm as if telling the history of the city. Paved roads extend to the distance. I think there will be a Wallace hill and a Carlton hill, and beyond that is the sea, the sea that gives this country and this city its soul and character.

IV.Goodbye Stirling

When the clock strikes 2020, it's time to pack up and head home. Thanks to the efforts of teachers of Shanxi University, we have increased our knowledge and broadened our horizons at the end of 2019. I would like to thank all the teachers of University of Stirling for their hard work, which has brought us rich spiritual food. "Sometimes the wind will break the waves, directly hang the cloud sail to aid the sea", after returning to China, I will study harder, earnestly complete my undergraduate and graduate studies, become an excellent legal person, live up to the teacher and the school's cultivation.

If I go to the UK again, I think I will go to the beautiful Stirling campus, because there are dreams and youth memories here.








Write a New Chapter with Struggle

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Niu Nan, Postgraduate, Grade 2019,

Student Number: 201931807004

How lucky that I had the opportunity to take part in an exchange program run by Shanxi University in cooperation with the University of Stirling. Everything that happened during the month at the University of Stirling was vividly remembered. Responsible teachers, interesting courses, beautiful campus, warm dormitories, friendly staffs, and all the lovely friends have left a mark on this trip. The preparation before departure is not only arduous but also tedious, and this is the first international cooperation of Shanxi University, without any data and experience to refer to, the relevant teachers of the Institute of International Exchange led the students to explore and sort it out bit by bit, while the teachers and leaders of the school all gave the greatest care and support, without you who silently paid behind, there wouldn't have been this great event.

Our courses are based on research and thought-out by the school's teachers, with a focus on professional English, career guidance, and law-related topics. The teachers in the class all have rich teaching experience and have made sufficient preparation according to our situation. The courseware is closer to the Chinese students' background and habits, and pays special attention to the combination of theory and practice, considering that our mother tongue is Chinese, it was thoughtful of each teacher to speak slowly and with as little Scottish accent as possible. First, classes all be taught in small classes, so that no teacher will be too numerous to take into account the situation that results in the teaching quality being unable to be guaranteed. Second, compared with the spoon-fed teaching in most of the classrooms in China, teachers here attach great importance to the interaction and communication between students in the classroom. First, the teachers will guide the students. Through discussion and communication, students can express their views, then the teacher made a professional summary, because of the active participation of students, so in-class absorption is more in-depth; third, the group teaching model is creative teaching theory and strategy which is widely used in our University of Stirling class. The teacher divides the class into several groups and presents questions to the group discussion, at last, the group concludes and communicates with the teacher. This kind of teaching method can make use of the interaction between teachers and students as well as between classmates, and make everyone participate in the classroom interaction, at the same time the teacher can be the most efficient understanding of our ideas and accept the degree of understanding, promote our learning, but also can better achieve the teacher's teaching goals. Besides, the University of Stirling focuses more on the development of good thinking in the classroom, where there are no infallible mistakes or infallibility, except for some theorems and authoritative theories, teachers welcome students to have their own ideas and opinions from different angles, as long as you have enough arguments to support your point of view, this will help the students no matter in the future study or life can be multi-perspective thinking and problem-solving. In the teaching of knowledge, not simply follow the book, but the example of lead, and step-by-step guidance, it is best for the students themselves to draw the teacher's desired conclusions.

A short month will soon be over, the specific contents of the classroom teachers may fade away with the passage of time, but the mode and method of learning will continue to affect our future study and life. Thanks to all the teachers and staff of the university of Stirling, thanks to Shanxi University for supporting our exchange program, thanks to all the teachers and students in the same industry, because everyone's participation, our journey is more and more colorful!



















Horizon Changes Life

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Wang Nongchao, Postgraduate, Grade 2019,

Student Number: 201921807020

First of all, I would like to thank Shanxi University for providing us with such a rare opportunity to exchange and study at the university of Stirling. Through this activity, I have the opportunity to go abroad and learn about the living environment and teaching system of the university of Stirling. I have been looking forward to the day when I know I can go to the university of Stirling for exchanging. I feel very honored to have such a wonderful learning and life experience different from others, even if only for a short month, fleeting, but have a profound impact on my future development. Standing higher and looking further, this activity let me have a broader vision, increased my knowledge, updated my concept, this is not only a simple communication activity, but also a comprehensive quality training. Now the report of this activity is as follows:

I.Learning Content

1.Students are the main characters in class, not teachers.

In the class, the teacher of the university of Stirling showed us perfectly that the class should be student-centered. Firstly, the teacher would give us a general introduction to the content of this class and the teaching tasks to be completed. Then, I will introduce the mode of group activities to you. After understanding the teacher's classroom mode, students will quickly get into the stage of self-exploration and self-learning. Then, students will communicate and cooperate with group members based on summarizing their content. Finally, the group summary will be reported to the teacher, the teacher will make feedback and summary.

2.English language skills

The role of English in personal development in modern society is self-evident, and the university of Stirling has arranged special training sessions for us. Of course, we can practice English here all the time. Teachers use different methods to teach problems in vocabulary learning, grammar learning, communication and so on. The content taught by the teacher is very practical and the teaching method is very innovative. Teachers repeatedly stressed the importance of mastering English and other foreign languages in the highly internationalized modern world. It also stimulates us to keep learning and making progress.

3.English communication

English communication is quite different from English language learning. In English communication, the brain has very limited reaction time for what to say and how to say it, while in English writing, words can be carefully used. Therefore, it is very helpful to practice and speak more in daily life for the study of oral English. Living and studying together in an English context is all about practicing spoken English.

II.Life Content

1.Feel different patterns of life

The short stay at university of Stirling was also enough to practice our survival skills and increase our experience of living abroad. Crossing a zebra crossing, hailing a taxi, or shopping online and buying food in a foreign country are all new experiences and personal skills development. When exotic foods don't meet your personal needs, you have to learn how to cook on your own.

2.Feel different culture

In English cities, churches are indispensable. Whether in Stirling or Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, churches, and castles have left a deep impression on us. Besides, they protect the ancient buildings very well. Walking on the streets of Stirling, if you remove the cars from the streets, you can see what Stirling looked like hundreds of years ago. It has never changed.


Just a month, living in the university of Stirling campus, the blond blue-eyed British around us, we immersed in the atmosphere of pure English, ears to hear, eyes to see, mouth to say, think, is English. Although the learning time is only a few weeks, I feel the foreign language basic skills, oral skills, and other aspects have been greatly improved. Finally, I am very grateful to Shanxi University for this learning activity, which has broadened my horizon, taught me the authentic and advanced British teaching methods, and provided me with an opportunity to experience the native culture of Britain. The melodious Scottish bagpipes will always be in my heart, become the most mellow memories of my life. This activity will also have a long-term impact on my future development.




古人有云读万卷书,行千里路,意指读书与行路要相辅相成。读万卷书,是必备之学识素养;行万里路,是亲历躬行之实践;读书在先,行路在后。非常有幸,在集团及公司的努力及协调组织下,国际交流学院及bat365旧网址师生一行3212 月远赴英国斯特灵大学进行为期一个月的校际交流,亲身感受英国的经济社会和风土人情交流期间,我们学习了知识开阔了视野增长了见识,开启了一次读书与行路完美结合的旅程。以下我从斯特灵的人文历史考察、斯特灵大学的学术考察及校际交流的心得体会等方面谈谈我本人的所想所得。


斯特灵位于苏格兰中部,曾是苏格兰王国首府。后虽为爱丁堡取代,沦为皇家自治城镇(Royal Burgh),但因雄踞低地通往高地要冲,向为兵家必争之地。史书尝言:谁控制斯特灵,便控制苏格兰。读苏格兰史,便知此言不虚。

进入斯特灵城,见古风犹存——卵石或砖砌街道,中世纪教堂、屋舍、城堡;福斯河(River Forth)从城旁缓缓流经。苏格兰低地风光,尽在眼前,不由让人发思古之幽情。悬想八百年前,这里发生史诗般的事件,涌现传奇式英雄,改写苏格兰,乃至英伦三岛的历史。

苏格兰第一次独立战争(1296–1328)中,两场决定性战役在此打赢:1297年,苏格兰民族英雄华莱士(Sir William Wallace)率领持矛义军,在斯特灵老桥击溃英格兰弓箭与铁骑联军;1314年,罗伯特·布鲁斯(Robert the Bruce)率苏格兰民军,以少胜多,在班诺克本(Bannockburn)大败英格兰精锐之师。



赴斯特灵大学进行校际交流是此行之首要目的。斯特灵大学成立于1967,其被称为英国乃至欧洲最美的校园之一,同时Stirling大学也是英国仅有的16所拥有五星级体育设施的和英国最现代化、最有创意的优秀大学之一大学之一。更甚的是, 斯特灵大学还是英国唯一建立在王宫里的大学。通过一个月的交流,结合校方为我们安排的课程设计,我的感触和收获颇多:



斯特灵大学的教学形式自由,灵活多变。教学方式通常有Lecture, Seminar, WorkshopGroup Discussion 等方式。其教学目标更多的是重在培养员工的批判性思维,培养员工利用本学科知识解决实际问题的能力。


斯特灵大学的课堂非常重视员工的参与度,想在这边默默无闻地找个角落安静地做个美男子是行不通的,我们必须要参与和贡献。我们经常被英国老师巧妙的课堂活动设计所折服。我曾经听到了一个格言:Furniture is the main barriers, not the student number. ——空间只要耍得开,什么都不是问题。




斯特灵大学的教育非常注重培养员工学习的独立性,并且更加愿意让员工整体参与到教学过程里面。班级讨论(Discussionin Seminars)和小组讨论(Discussion in Study Groups)在这里是非常重要的一个教学过程。主要的目的在于发展员工们的批判性思维能力,以及如何处理在在学习过程中碰到的一些困难。












同时,让我感受特别深的是,自1978年改革开放以来,祖国社会经济飞速发展,在许多方面已经赶上或超过了西方发达国家。特别是在科学研究方面,祖国许多科学家的学术视野和学术思想已经国际化,并站在国际学术前沿。祖国的强大,让我们在海外的游子感受到了世界各国人的尊重,每每遇到西方人尤其是陌生人用中文对我说你好! 谢谢!时,心中莫名总有一种自豪感。

Reading and Walking

——Experience of Exchange Activities at University of Stirling

Xi Bin, Ph.D. , Grade 2019,

Student Number: 201911812002

The ancients said: "Read as many as we can, walk as far as we can", which means that reading and travel must be complementary. Reading thousands of books is a must-have literacy; walking thousands of miles is the practice of bowing and walking; reading first, walking the road. Fortunately, with the efforts and coordination of the school and the college, a group of 32 teachers and students from the School of International Exchange and the School of Law went to the University of Stirling in the UK for a month-long inter-school exchange and experienced the British economy and society for themselves. And local customs. During the exchange, we learned knowledge, broadened our horizons, increased our knowledge, and started a journey of the perfect combination of reading and travel. Now let me talk about what I want from the humanistic historical investigation of Stirling, the academic investigation of University of Stirling, and the experience of inter-school exchanges.

I. The Historical Review of Stirling's Humanities

Stirling is located in central Scotland and was once the capital of the Kingdom of Scotland. Although it was replaced by Edinburgh and reduced to the Royal Burgh, because of the majestic lowland leading to the highland point, it is always a battle for soldiers. History books say: "Whoever controls Stirling controls Scotland." Reading Scottish history, you know that is true.

Entering Stirling, you can see the ancient style still exists-cobbled or brick streets, medieval churches, houses, castles; the River Forth flows slowly from the side of the city. The scenery of the Scottish lowlands is in front of you, and you can't help thinking about the ancient feelings. Imagine that 800 years ago, epic events took place here, and legendary heroes emerged, rewriting the history of Scotland and even the British Isles.

Two decisive battles were won here in Scotland's First War of Independence (1296–1328): In 1297, the Scottish national hero Sir William Wallace led the spear rebels and defeated the bows of England at the Stirling Old Bridge Allied with the Iron Horse; In 1314, Robert the Bruce led the Scottish Civilian Army to win more by less, defeating England's elite division in Bannockburn.

Many of Stirling's cultural and historical sites are no longer just a historical and cultural mark. They are more a spiritual landmark of the Scottish nation. Here, the Scottish nation's desire for freedom and the courage to persevere in struggle have attracted countless people. Visitors.

II.Academic visits to the University of Stirling

Visiting the University of Stirling for inter-school exchange is the primary purpose of this trip. Founded in 1967, University of Stirling is known as one of the most beautiful campuses in the UK and Europe. At the same time, University of Stirling is also the only 16 outstanding five-star sports facilities in the UK and the UK's most modern and creative university. One of the universities. What's more, the University of Stirling is the only university in Britain to be established in the Royal Palace. After a month of communication, combined with the course design arranged by the school, I have felt and gained a lot:

1.Classroom teaching with distinctive characteristics

(1) Multiple teaching modes

The teaching modes at the University of Stirling are flexible, usually include Lecture, Seminar, Workshop. We can find that teaching objectives are more focused on cultivating students 'critical thinking and cultivating students' ability to solve practical problems with the knowledge of these subjects.

(2) Engagement

The classroom at university here attaches great importance to the engagement of students. It is not feasible to find a corner quietly to be a beautiful man here. We must participate and contribute. We are often impressed by the ingenious design of classroom activities by teachers. I once heard a motto: Furniture is the main barrier, not the student number.

(3) Efficient Feedback

In Chinese classrooms, we are accustomed to listening to the teacher's lectures, and there is a lack of communication and discussion among students. At the same time, teachers are also accustomed to correcting homework assignments after class, but the problem is that if students do not understand in class, the teacher only needs to correct homework assignments after class, which may slow down the student's progress.

The teaching mode at the university of Stirling has inspired us a lot: When students are practicing problems, the teacher will wander in the classroom and constantly check the student's work. If there is something that the student does not understand, they will know immediately, and then give one-on-one support so that he can keep up with the learning progress.

(4) Empowering students to take ownership of the learning process

The education here attaches great importance to fostering student independence and is more willing to involve students as a whole in the teaching process. Discussion in Seminars and Discussion in Study Groups are a very important teaching process here. The main purpose is to develop students' skills and how to deal with some difficulties encountered in the learning process.

(5) Harmonious relationship between teachers and students

In the classroom, the teachers and students are completely equal and the teaching methods of the teachers are generally relatively relaxed, humorous and witty. The teachers are very kind or professional, and they can freely exchange knowledge with students in the classroom without being too restrained.

2.Paying attention to the internationalization of curriculum design and the practical application of legal knowledge

(1) Focus on exploring the provisions and practical application of laws from an international perspective

The University of Stirling has provided us with four legal courses covering international investment, international commercial arbitration, recognition, and enforcement of foreign national and commercial judgments in China, and international competition law (cartel). It can be seen that the university's international perspective and multidisciplinary approach set the law in a global socio-economic context, linking the role, effectiveness, importance, economic globalization, and international capital flows of the law, studying its specific role and implementation Method, this is an important way to cultivate all aspects of foreign-related talents.

(2) Contextual teaching focusing on rich case studies

Through the study and discussion of real cases and judgments, the University of Stirling's law education will enable students to quickly become familiar with the operation of the British and American legal system, while also developing your perspective on legal issues and the ability to solve practical problems.

III. Exchange Experience

Britain has beautiful natural scenery, clean air, beautiful clouds, and high vegetation coverage. The University of Stirling is full of trees and lawn flowers, just like a forest park, and buildings are hidden in trees.

Britain is a country with a rich history and cultural accumulation. Castles, churches, and museums are important cultural symbols of this country. The museum houses items and devices produced by human wisdom from various countries in the world. They respect science and are used for scientific research. Instruments and equipment are stored in the Natural History Museum. The British are elegant, courteous, and friendly. Whether at school or on the street, whether they are familiar or strangers, whenever I need help, they will enthusiastically give a helping hand. This makes me feel warm.

I was impressed by the comprehensive infrastructure and rigorous scientific management of the University of Stirling. The management of basic service facilities such as computer printers and networks are rigorous and user-friendly. All faculty and staff including exchange students have a work ID and account. With their account, they can use the computer in the library at any time, but they can only see their pages, and it is convenient and protects the information of others; Work permit, you can print copy materials on any machine in the building. The British consciously classify trash at home or on the street, which is worth learning, and so on.

At the same time, what makes me feel particularly deep is that since the reform and opening up in 1978, the socio-economic development of the motherland has developed rapidly, and in many ways, it has caught up with or surpassed the western developed countries. Especially in scientific research, the academic vision and academic thinking of many scientists in the motherland have been internationalized, and they are standing at the forefront of international academics. The strength of the motherland has made our overseas travelers feel the respect of people from all over the world. Whenever I meet Westerners, especially strangers, say "hello!" "thank you!".

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